Bharat: <---- Is there a way we can put an option where a user can SPECIFY a smtp server? By default G2 won't send email on a windows box unless I specify a server. I know this is a windows issues because even VBulletin needs me to specify a smtp.
So, for \modules\notification\helpers\notification.php or whatever is making the call, can you make an update that would allow us to specify a smtp and also send a test email like we could on G2?
I'm guessing G3 uses function calls for this? I'm not a coder. ;)
Not sure if I should still be posting in the RC2 feedback thread or starting a new thread but…
I'm writing clients against the REST API. My question is whether the `start' and `num' parameters are implemented as described in .
I ask because I seem to always get all the members returned for an album, regardless of what I pass as start and num. Furthermore, looking at modules/gallery/helpers/item_rest.php, I don't see anything passing those parameters into the $orm. But perhaps they are magically pulled from the environment somewhere else.
Here's a short, abridged, and cleaned-up example:
GET http://localhost/gallery3/index.php/rest/item/1?start=700&num=100
Whether or not it's implemented, I don't mind if getting everything is the default. It just wasn't clear to me from the API description whether handling more than 100 members *required* that one process in 100-member chunks (and of course I want to handle large collections properly).
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Fri, 2010-08-20 00:13
Not sure if I should still be posting in the RC2 feedback thread or starting a new thread but…
I think your best bet is to start a new topic. This one is 4 pages long already and specific details might get lost.
So the wiki page Gallery3:About (sorry I can't post links yet) links to a feature list spreadsheet and in that spreadsheet one feature listed is "Amazon S3 support"... so I was wondering, did that get implemented? If so, how would I go about configuring it? If it requires setting up s3fs or something like that I'm able to.
Ⓑ® bromide
Joined: 2002-12-05
Posts: 573
Posted: Fri, 2010-08-20 12:28
bromide wrote:
So the wiki page Gallery3:About (sorry I can't post links yet) links to a feature list spreadsheet and in that spreadsheet one feature listed is "Amazon S3 support"... so I was wondering, did that get implemented? If so, how would I go about configuring it? If it requires setting up s3fs or something like that I'm able to.
That's listed as an enhancement with no owner. You can file an enhancement request ticket at so that it can filter through the system.
I just wanted to mention that I've installed Gallery3 RC2 and done a little testing and the installation itself appears to have gone perfectly.
One little hiccup I had post-installation was an error that occurred when I changed the encryption seed and the cookie salt. I made sure to log out before I did this but when I first refreshed the page I got a PHP error of some sort. When I navigated to another page everything worked again, though, so no more harm than a moment of confusion. Ⓑ˳® bromide ⎵
Joined: 2010-08-20
Posts: 28
Posted: Fri, 2010-08-27 02:04
I think I've set mod_rewrite and AllowOverride FileInfo Options in Apache properly but Gallery3 still isn't letting me edit permissions on albums. Does anybody know a handy way, perhaps a snippet of PHP code, to view the computed values for Apache settings on a particular folder? I have my own server, not a shared server account, so I have full access. Ⓑ˳® bromide ⎵
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2010-08-29 05:09
Here's how you can debug it. Create a file in modules/gallery/controllers called "x.php" and put this in it:
class x_Controller extends Controller {
public function test() {
print access::htaccess_works() ? "yes" : "no";
Then browse to and you should see "no" appear. This means that it thinks that htaccess doesn't work. Then go and edit modules/gallery/helpers/access.php and look for this code:
685 /**
686 * Verify that our htaccess based permission system actually works. Create a temporary
687 * directory containing an .htaccess file that uses mod_rewrite to redirect /verify to
688 * /success. Then request that url. If we retrieve it successfully, then our redirects are
689 * working and our permission system works.
690 */
691 static function htaccess_works() {
692 $success_url = url::file("var/security_test/success");
694 @mkdir(VARPATH . "security_test");
695 try {
696 if ($fp = @fopen(VARPATH . "security_test/.htaccess", "w+")) {
697 fwrite($fp, "RewriteEngine On\n");
698 fwrite($fp, "RewriteRule verify $success_url [L]\n");
699 fclose($fp);
700 }
702 if ($fp = @fopen(VARPATH . "security_test/success", "w+")) {
703 fwrite($fp, "success");
704 fclose($fp);
705 }
707 list ($response) = remote::do_request(url::abs_file("var/security_test/verify"));
708 $works = $response == "HTTP/1.1 200 OK";
709 } catch (Exception $e) {
710 @dir::unlink(VARPATH . "security_test");
711 throw $e;
712 }
713 @dir::unlink(VARPATH . "security_test");
715 return $works;
716 }
The first thing I'd do is to comment out those "dir::unlink" calls on line 710 and 713. Then when you run the test script, it'll leave around gallery3/var/security_test and we can examine it. Then open in your browser. What do you get back? If you get the word "success" then the .htaccess system is working and we have a bug of some kind (or your config is too weird for us to handle). Make sure that the var/security_test dir gets created! It should have two files in it, one marked .htaccess with something like this in it:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule verify /gallery3/var/security_test/success [L]
I tried your first step, creating x.php, and when I viewed it in the browser I got a Kohana_404_Exception if I recall correctly. I got this for a number of other files in that directory, incidentally. I found that welcome_message.php was the simplest one that also worked but when I tried copying it to x.php it still didn't work but I got a blank page without even any HTML instead of the 404 error.
So I tried editing welcome_message.php itself and as a test I tacked a string literal onto the variable printed out in the main function. When I went to the welcome_message URL instead of showing the HTML it had previously shown I got the blank page again. I tried changing the code back but it didn't fix anything, I still got the blank page.
So I tried the next step, without success, but after changing the code of that page even gallery3's index page now returns blank HTML. Changing the code back doesn't fix that either. (But that's okay, all I had was test data.)
I have seen this behavior constantly; I've actually been unable to edit any PHP pages at all nor change the variables under "Advanced" settings because doing so always causes an error that can't be fixed by putting it back the way it was before. The problems persist even after restarting Apache. Is there some kind of caching mechanism I need to turn off or a developer mode I need to set? Ⓑ˳® bromide ⎵
Joined: 2010-08-20
Posts: 28
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-01 15:15
PHP 5.2.4 by the way, and Ubuntu 8.04 and MySQL 5.051 Ⓑ˳® bromide ⎵
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-02 04:38
@bromide: Oh -- I had an error in my instructions. You need to browse to /gallery3/index.php/x/test <-- that "/test" part was missing. You're not trying to open x.php directly in the browser are you? That won't work. Either way, please start a new forum topic for this issue so that we're not having an in-depth conversation on this more general topic.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2010-09-05
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-05 03:30
Hi, and thanks for (another) wonderful product. I'm a long-time user of Gallery 2, and I've just started playing with Gallery 3. I love the design -- very clean -- and I look forward to the final release. A few minor quibbles:
1) Missing (as yet) is the ability for new users to request a login.
2) I tried to install on a system that was missing a few necessary modules. The code that was supposed to explain the problems didn't work. The problem was at line 35 of installer/cli.php:
$errors = installer::check_environment();
if ($errors) {
oops(implode("errors", "\n")); <-- Problem here
3) If you click the Login link in the upper-right corner and get the login dialog, the "Forgot Password?" link doesn't work.
None of these are show-stoppers, though I can't use this for my family photo album till family users can get their logins.
Take care, and thanks again.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-05 05:28
1) Install the register module from
2) What error did you get? I need more info there to fix this
3) What happens when you click the forget password link? Anything in your gallery3/var/logs error logs?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2010-05-31
Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-05 20:40
Hi, after some disappointment with RC1 (I broke it in one day) I decided to give another shot to RC2. It seems to me mores table that RC1 - three days and still working . However I have problem with different thumbnail sizes, specially greater than 200. If I set thumbnail for 230, it creates quite big rectangle around photo with a lot of empty space. With widths less than 200, the rectangle is OK.
My second problem is direct photo upload. I'm often transferring tons of photos between gallery servers. For menalto gallery I need something, like direct photo upload. My idea is to create empty album xxx, put the photos into var/albums/xxx and just press something in the maintenance page (ideally from script) to create resizes and etc. In this case server add function is not the right solution, because of photo copying.
Thanks for answers.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-05 21:02
The default wind theme was designed for thumbs smaller than 200px. Try a different theme.
There is not a feature to automatically grab items from a location on the server. Ther eis the server add module.
1) Yes, thanks. I discovered that just after posting, much to my chagrin.
2) It was actually a PHP syntax error:
> PHP Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /xxxxx/gallery3/installer/cli.php on line 30
> Oops! Something went wrong during the installation:
I suspect you intended something like
> oops(implode("\n", $errors));
instead of
> oops(implode("errors", "\n"));
but that's just a guess.
3) It seems to be working now. Perhaps it was only a problem before I had added users and picutres. Or perhaps adding the registration module fixed it....
A side note: the <? shortcut is required by Gallery3, but it is deprecated... From the php.ini files;
; It's been recommended for several years that you not use the short tag "short cut" and
; instead to use the full <?php and ?> tag combination. With the wide spread use
; of XML and use of these tags by other languages, the server can become easily
; confused and end up parsing the wrong code in the wrong context.
Is there a way to allow the creator of an album to edit the album, but nobody else (at least, not without explicit permission)? At the moment, the only way I can think of is to create a group for each relevant user.
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 00:56
Please start a new thread. This thread is 4 pages long and is for RC2 feedback.
Another minor quibble: As I edit the tags in a photo, suggestions appear in a drop-down box. I can type faster than the suggestions come up, so if I enter several tags in a row and hit enter, whatever suggestion is currently displayed replaces the last tag that I typed.
Joined: 2010-09-05
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 02:34
Actually, the problem is somewhat worse than that. If I type in a comma, the software accepts the suggestion being displayed. Since this suggestion often corresponds to an earlier tag, I may end up with two or three of the same tags on a line. There are several ways that this might be fixed. At the least, the suggestion cache should clear as soon as any character is typed after the comma. That will prevent obsolete suggestions from appearing while I am typing a new tag.
Another JavaScript issue. It is possible to get into an "options menu loop" in which the options menu for a photo repeatedly and continuously scrolls up and back down again. Sometimes it clears itself. Sometimes, just moving the cursor a bit will clear it. Sometimes, the problem keeps returning when the cursor is returned to the photo. In this last case, displaying the options menu on the next photo clears the problem.
One way to reproduce this problem (but not, I believe, the only way that exists), is to quickly move the cursor past a photo's options menu and then back onto the photo. Wiggling the mouse around a bit to find the mouse arrow often makes this happen. If the cursor happens to end up over the spot where menu's top line (the "Options" line) will be displayed, the menu will bounce repeatedly. In this case, the bounce doesn't get stuck, though; moving the cursor a up bit allows the menu redisplay queue to clear itself out. Still, perhaps this simple case will provide a clue as to the cause of the bounce.
Joined: 2010-09-05
Posts: 10
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 05:23
Another JavaScript issue. It is possible to get into an "options menu loop" in which the options menu for a photo repeatedly and continuously scrolls up and back down again.
Upon further playing around, I believe that the technique described in my previous message is the only way to produce the problem. I'm guessing that the fact that the problem can resume after I move the cursor out of the picture and then back into it is a consequence of two things:
1) I tend to move the cursor to the middle of the picture, which is right about where the Options menu line ends up, and
2) The JavaScript (Java?) has some memory, so it knows that it still "owes" us a menu-redisplay when we return to the photo. If top of the menu hits the cursor, the loop will simply start over again.
Moving the cursor near the top of the photo will allow the loop to unwind and eventually terminate.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 18:41
@pfreed -- we appreciate the feedback! But please create a new thread for issues you find because this topic is 4 pages long and is a little unmanageable. I'll give you some quick answers now though:
1) Thanks for the tip on the implode() error -- I just pushed a fix for that. That bug's been around since 9/2009 -- either people don't use the CLI much or they don't have bad setups.
2) Please file a ticket (see my sig) against the suggest autocomplete issue. We'll fix it.
3) Please also file a ticket for the options menu loop issue. We'll fix that too
@mr_peta -- also, we can discuss this in a new topic, but unix filesystem permissions make it hard for us to do that reliably since the user you ftp the files with is typically not the same as the webserver user so the webserver can't assume control of the files. But we could maybe make a "dropbox" where you stick stuff that gets automatically imported. Start a new topic, let's discuss this and see about implementing it.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2005-12-02
Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 18:50
Side note..... Can we make a "Windows" area (forums)so I don't have to sort through threds.....I'm up for whatever but time is limited and I'm not reading 40,000 posts to find it's a windows issue.
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 19:27
I've made a new [WINDOWS] tag that we will use to mark windows threads for you to make it easier for you to find them.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2005-12-02
Posts: 204
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-06 20:16
bharat wrote:
I've made a new [WINDOWS] tag that we will use to mark windows threads for you to make it easier for you to find them.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Thanks bro.....Appreciate it....
Joined: 2002-09-02
Posts: 7
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-08 15:39
Hi guys got this error on an import from 2.2.4
Failed to import Gallery 2 album with id 1748 and name Maps. ORM validation errors: Array ( [sort_order] => invalid ) exception 'ORM_Validation_Exception' with message 'ORM Validation has failed for items model' in /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery3
log file
2010-09-08 07:31:37 -07:00 --- error: exception 'G2_Import_Exception' with message 'Failed to import Gallery 2 album with id 1748 and name Maps.
ORM validation errors: Array
[sort_order] => invalid
@pbearne: upgrade to the latest experimental code and try the import again. If that fails, please start a new topic and we'll figure it out.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Joined: 2002-09-02
Posts: 7
Posted: Thu, 2010-09-09 12:07
that looking like it is working (still importing)
Is there a web-cam module one of my gallery has a section of them?
Joined: 2008-02-24
Posts: 4
Posted: Sun, 2010-09-12 17:46
I just installed g3 rc2 on my embedded linux box.
With g2 and g1 I always had 500 errors due to some random php-fcgi bug, but g3 installed straight away!
I did however removed the check on the mysql version since mysql 5 is not cross compilable I'm forced to use mysql 4. To my surprise I didn't run into any problems because of this.
My system:
Operating system: Linux
Apache: Unknown (I use lighttpd)
PHP: 5.2.14
MySQL: 4.1.22
I use the php mysqli plugin (if that makes any difference)
Anyway, everything runs fine, it immediately detected imagemagick, just great
Joined: 2010-09-14
Posts: 3
Posted: Tue, 2010-09-14 11:32
I'm a completely new gallery user and just installed gallery3.
Autorotate works when uploading on the web but it doesn't work when using server add. Maybe this should be an error report about one of the two involved modules?
Installing gallery was nice and easy and the program told me what to install and what tasks I needed to run/setup (like graphics library, ffmpeg etc) . Very nice.
The system tells me: "Some of your modules are out of date. Upgrade now!" so I try to run .../index.php/upgrader but it doesn't work. It just tells me: "Some modules failed to upgrade! Failed modules are highlighted. Try getting newer versions or deactivating those modules.". It says nothing about why it failed and the faq doesn't seem to tell me anything useful. It tries to upload a new version of the autorotate module (from 1 to 2 although the file modules/autorotate/[whatever.inf file says it's version 2. (This is the first time I run upgrader)
/New galley user
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Tue, 2010-09-14 13:54
please start a new thread with your issues after getting the latest experimental code. Post you log files as well in the new thread.
- import from G2 to G3 damaged the G2, G2 installation starts an upgrade process after impor, use ur backup and resore G2
- Rotating does not redirect back to the picture
- resizing to something different than 640px does not work, no failure report in logs, recompression works fine
- standard funktions like mass edit of names or description like in G2 are missing ;(((((
- usibility, never ever better than in G2! maybe better for administrative noobs
- to many normal funktion like in G2 are missing, the list is long,
- using github is good for professionals
- storing code in different systems like github and the other one, the worse
- dashboard, yeah - softcore funktions for soft poeple, it's "normal" today
- performance ... i dont know how misconfigured some servers are ... speed is not an argument to pick G3
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994
Posted: Wed, 2010-09-15 03:20
@RAETO: To start, please get the latest experimental version, some or all of these issues may be fixed (see my signature for upgrade info). Also check your gallery3/var/logs for relevant log snippets on errors:
1) The G3 import does not write to the G2 install at all. I don't see how it can cause damage, and I've seen no other reports of damage. Please provide us with more info so that we can track this down.
2) I don't know what you mean by "Rotating does not redirect back to the picture". Rotating how, where?
3) What's in your logs?
4) Not all functionality in G2 is in G3 yet. But there are tons of unofficial modules, and one of them might do what you want.
5) Don't know why you say that about usability. G3 usability is worlds ahead of G2.
6) See #4
7/8) source control is optimized for developers, not users. why do you care?
9) sorry that you don't like dashboards
10) gallery 2 has several layers of caching to get it to the same performance level that G3 has out of the box. Those caching layers cause instability and varied problems (I bet you that the caching layer is what caused your G2 to go south after you tried the import). If you turn off G2 caching, you'll find G3 to be substantially faster. We may or may not implement caching in G3.
Not sure if this has been fixed in a newer version but here goes.
Today I was doing some rebuilding of my images (about 10 000) and this takes a few hours so I put my gallery in maintenance mode. This was a nice feature I was thinking, probably giving the users who tries to log in a little maintenance note. But no, the users was faced with "Dang something went wrong!" What the? Maybe some of my advanced users would see the difference in the address bar. This has to be fixed. Make it more user friendly.
Yesterday I managed to import near 2000 photos from our Gallery 2 page, it took like 2 hours but everything went good hopefully. I have some suggestions/questions:
1) The "edit permissions" window is too small. I was using Gallery 2 along with SMF and we had many groups of users, so in my case I have to scroll the bottom horizontal bar in the window to see all groups and make changes, etc.
2) In the admin dashboard we can see a Welcome Message. It would be nice if we can set a Welcome messages for our users, too.
3) How can we import several files at the same time?
4) Where can I define what file formats/file sizes our users can upload?
5) Does people get e-mail notifications of new comments in the picture where they commented?
6) It will be possible to modify the menu by default? At the moment there's only a "Tab" button and it would be great to be able to add other tabs from the administration, for example to our forum, to a contact page, to an external link, etc.
7) The main page shows as page <title> "Browse Album :: [the title of my main album]". Why it does not catch the Header Text I defined in the dashboard instead?
@Welcome message: we are tying to keep things simple and if we add more options it makes the product complex and bloated like we had in G2. You can edit the files if you wish to change the welcome message.
@import: there is a few options server add seems to work the best.
@formats: we limited it to a few. There is lots of discussions about this in the forums. For videos there is: I have not created a codex page for it yet.
Can the module contactowner please incoporate the recaptcha?? Thanks!!!
Otherwise nice job so far - the watermark module works nicer than before - automatic apply - but the settings could be extended to decide on which they are applied ;)
Cool would also be to add personal sidbar boxes and menu entries to link to some static content
i added all the modules from the github - hmm will browse them again - cheers
Is there anything to change the name of the images quicker or even during upload?
Joined: 2010-09-26
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-27 08:32
I also noticed that the BatchTag field during upload disappeared in the newest exp Version.... Is this desired? I actually found it quite useful....
Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Mon, 2010-09-27 13:18
Yes it is gone. There was way too much confusion on how it worked. People tried to add tags durring the upload process and after as well.
We might bring back a better UI in the future. Try:
Posts: 6
Ranger187, new node
Posts: 204
Checking.... ;)
Posts: 204
Bharat: <---- Is there a way we can put an option where a user can SPECIFY a smtp server? By default G2 won't send email on a windows box unless I specify a server. I know this is a windows issues because even VBulletin needs me to specify a smtp.
So, for \modules\notification\helpers\notification.php or whatever is making the call, can you make an update that would allow us to specify a smtp and also send a test email like we could on G2?
I'm guessing G3 uses function calls for this? I'm not a coder. ;)
UPDATE: now has more accurate info. You can install with the current info. After the "Testing PHP" has still to be updated but it will get Windows Server 2008 users up and running.
Posts: 573
I finished this code yesterday, and bharat added it to the gallery3-contrib repo. See .
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, please visit
Posts: 8
Not sure if I should still be posting in the RC2 feedback thread or starting a new thread but…
I'm writing clients against the REST API. My question is whether the `start' and `num' parameters are implemented as described in .
I ask because I seem to always get all the members returned for an album, regardless of what I pass as start and num. Furthermore, looking at modules/gallery/helpers/item_rest.php, I don't see anything passing those parameters into the $orm. But perhaps they are magically pulled from the environment somewhere else.
Here's a short, abridged, and cleaned-up example:
GET http://localhost/gallery3/index.php/rest/item/1?start=700&num=100
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0
Connection: close
Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:54:03 GMT
Pragma: no-cache
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8l DAV/2 PHP/5.3.1
Content-Type: application/json
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Client-Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2010 18:54:03 GMT
Client-Response-Num: 1
Client-Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Set-Cookie: g3sid=a66ff9ca43f25040fbb98396c35ef9a6; expires=Thu, 26-Aug-2010 18:54:03 GMT; path=/; HttpOnly
Set-Cookie: g3sid=2d95506a02235e2249d1308cb5eec3853d18a077%7Ea66ff9ca43f25040fbb98396c35ef9a6; expires=Thu, 26-Aug-2010 18:54:03 GMT; path=/; httponly
X-Gallery-API-Version: 3.0
X-Powered-By: PHP/5.3.1
"entity": {
"id":"1", ... },
"members": [
Whether or not it's implemented, I don't mind if getting everything is the default. It just wasn't clear to me from the API description whether handling more than 100 members *required* that one process in 100-member chunks (and of course I want to handle large collections properly).
Posts: 27300
I think your best bet is to start a new topic. This one is 4 pages long already and specific details might get lost.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 28
So the wiki page Gallery3:About (sorry I can't post links yet) links to a feature list spreadsheet and in that spreadsheet one feature listed is "Amazon S3 support"... so I was wondering, did that get implemented? If so, how would I go about configuring it? If it requires setting up s3fs or something like that I'm able to.
Ⓑ® bromide
Posts: 573
That's listed as an enhancement with no owner. You can file an enhancement request ticket at so that it can filter through the system.
For PHPNuke, phpBB2, and phpBB3 integration help, please visit
Posts: 28
Thanks! I created the ticket.
Ⓑ˳® bromide
Posts: 7994
@Ranger187: Please file a ticket for the smtp server issue.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 28
I just wanted to mention that I've installed Gallery3 RC2 and done a little testing and the installation itself appears to have gone perfectly.
One little hiccup I had post-installation was an error that occurred when I changed the encryption seed and the cookie salt. I made sure to log out before I did this but when I first refreshed the page I got a PHP error of some sort. When I navigated to another page everything worked again, though, so no more harm than a moment of confusion.
Ⓑ˳® bromide
Posts: 28
I think I've set mod_rewrite and AllowOverride FileInfo Options in Apache properly but Gallery3 still isn't letting me edit permissions on albums. Does anybody know a handy way, perhaps a snippet of PHP code, to view the computed values for Apache settings on a particular folder? I have my own server, not a shared server account, so I have full access.
Ⓑ˳® bromide
Posts: 7994
Here's how you can debug it. Create a file in modules/gallery/controllers called "x.php" and put this in it:
Then browse to and you should see "no" appear. This means that it thinks that htaccess doesn't work. Then go and edit modules/gallery/helpers/access.php and look for this code:
The first thing I'd do is to comment out those "dir::unlink" calls on line 710 and 713. Then when you run the test script, it'll leave around gallery3/var/security_test and we can examine it. Then open in your browser. What do you get back? If you get the word "success" then the .htaccess system is working and we have a bug of some kind (or your config is too weird for us to handle). Make sure that the var/security_test dir gets created! It should have two files in it, one marked .htaccess with something like this in it:
And a file called "success" with the word "success" in it.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 28
I tried your first step, creating x.php, and when I viewed it in the browser I got a Kohana_404_Exception if I recall correctly. I got this for a number of other files in that directory, incidentally. I found that welcome_message.php was the simplest one that also worked but when I tried copying it to x.php it still didn't work but I got a blank page without even any HTML instead of the 404 error.
So I tried editing welcome_message.php itself and as a test I tacked a string literal onto the variable printed out in the main function. When I went to the welcome_message URL instead of showing the HTML it had previously shown I got the blank page again. I tried changing the code back but it didn't fix anything, I still got the blank page.
So I tried the next step, without success, but after changing the code of that page even gallery3's index page now returns blank HTML. Changing the code back doesn't fix that either. (But that's okay, all I had was test data.)
I have seen this behavior constantly; I've actually been unable to edit any PHP pages at all nor change the variables under "Advanced" settings because doing so always causes an error that can't be fixed by putting it back the way it was before. The problems persist even after restarting Apache. Is there some kind of caching mechanism I need to turn off or a developer mode I need to set?
Ⓑ˳® bromide
Posts: 28
PHP 5.2.4 by the way, and Ubuntu 8.04 and MySQL 5.051
Ⓑ˳® bromide
Posts: 7994
@bromide: Oh -- I had an error in my instructions. You need to browse to /gallery3/index.php/x/test <-- that "/test" part was missing. You're not trying to open x.php directly in the browser are you? That won't work. Either way, please start a new forum topic for this issue so that we're not having an in-depth conversation on this more general topic.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 10
Hi, and thanks for (another) wonderful product. I'm a long-time user of Gallery 2, and I've just started playing with Gallery 3. I love the design -- very clean -- and I look forward to the final release. A few minor quibbles:
1) Missing (as yet) is the ability for new users to request a login.
2) I tried to install on a system that was missing a few necessary modules. The code that was supposed to explain the problems didn't work. The problem was at line 35 of installer/cli.php:
$errors = installer::check_environment();
if ($errors) {
oops(implode("errors", "\n")); <-- Problem here
3) If you click the Login link in the upper-right corner and get the login dialog, the "Forgot Password?" link doesn't work.
None of these are show-stoppers, though I can't use this for my family photo album till family users can get their logins.
Take care, and thanks again.
Posts: 7994
1) Install the register module from
2) What error did you get? I need more info there to fix this
3) What happens when you click the forget password link? Anything in your gallery3/var/logs error logs?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 6
Hi, after some disappointment with RC1 (I broke it in one day) I decided to give another shot to RC2. It seems to me mores table that RC1 - three days and still working
. However I have problem with different thumbnail sizes, specially greater than 200. If I set thumbnail for 230, it creates quite big rectangle around photo with a lot of empty space. With widths less than 200, the rectangle is OK.
My second problem is direct photo upload. I'm often transferring tons of photos between gallery servers. For menalto gallery I need something, like direct photo upload. My idea is to create empty album xxx, put the photos into var/albums/xxx and just press something in the maintenance page (ideally from script) to create resizes and etc. In this case server add function is not the right solution, because of photo copying.
Thanks for answers.
Posts: 27300
The default wind theme was designed for thumbs smaller than 200px. Try a different theme.
There is not a feature to automatically grab items from a location on the server. Ther eis the server add module.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
1) Yes, thanks. I discovered that just after posting, much to my chagrin.
2) It was actually a PHP syntax error:
> PHP Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /xxxxx/gallery3/installer/cli.php on line 30
> Oops! Something went wrong during the installation:
I suspect you intended something like
> oops(implode("\n", $errors));
instead of
> oops(implode("errors", "\n"));
but that's just a guess.
3) It seems to be working now. Perhaps it was only a problem before I had added users and picutres. Or perhaps adding the registration module fixed it....
A side note: the <? shortcut is required by Gallery3, but it is deprecated... From the php.ini files;
; It's been recommended for several years that you not use the short tag "short cut" and
; instead to use the full <?php and ?> tag combination. With the wide spread use
; of XML and use of these tags by other languages, the server can become easily
; confused and end up parsing the wrong code in the wrong context.
Posts: 27300
FAQ: Why do you use PHP's short open tags?
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
Is there a way to allow the creator of an album to edit the album, but nobody else (at least, not without explicit permission)? At the moment, the only way I can think of is to create a group for each relevant user.
Posts: 27300
Please start a new thread. This thread is 4 pages long and is for RC2 feedback.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 10
Another minor quibble: As I edit the tags in a photo, suggestions appear in a drop-down box. I can type faster than the suggestions come up, so if I enter several tags in a row and hit enter, whatever suggestion is currently displayed replaces the last tag that I typed.
Posts: 10
Actually, the problem is somewhat worse than that. If I type in a comma, the software accepts the suggestion being displayed. Since this suggestion often corresponds to an earlier tag, I may end up with two or three of the same tags on a line. There are several ways that this might be fixed. At the least, the suggestion cache should clear as soon as any character is typed after the comma. That will prevent obsolete suggestions from appearing while I am typing a new tag.
Another JavaScript issue. It is possible to get into an "options menu loop" in which the options menu for a photo repeatedly and continuously scrolls up and back down again. Sometimes it clears itself. Sometimes, just moving the cursor a bit will clear it. Sometimes, the problem keeps returning when the cursor is returned to the photo. In this last case, displaying the options menu on the next photo clears the problem.
One way to reproduce this problem (but not, I believe, the only way that exists), is to quickly move the cursor past a photo's options menu and then back onto the photo. Wiggling the mouse around a bit to find the mouse arrow often makes this happen. If the cursor happens to end up over the spot where menu's top line (the "Options" line) will be displayed, the menu will bounce repeatedly. In this case, the bounce doesn't get stuck, though; moving the cursor a up bit allows the menu redisplay queue to clear itself out. Still, perhaps this simple case will provide a clue as to the cause of the bounce.
Posts: 10
Upon further playing around, I believe that the technique described in my previous message is the only way to produce the problem. I'm guessing that the fact that the problem can resume after I move the cursor out of the picture and then back into it is a consequence of two things:
1) I tend to move the cursor to the middle of the picture, which is right about where the Options menu line ends up, and
2) The JavaScript (Java?) has some memory, so it knows that it still "owes" us a menu-redisplay when we return to the photo. If top of the menu hits the cursor, the loop will simply start over again.
Moving the cursor near the top of the photo will allow the loop to unwind and eventually terminate.
Posts: 7994
@pfreed -- we appreciate the feedback! But please create a new thread for issues you find because this topic is 4 pages long and is a little unmanageable. I'll give you some quick answers now though:
1) Thanks for the tip on the implode() error -- I just pushed a fix for that. That bug's been around since 9/2009 -- either people don't use the CLI much or they don't have bad setups.
2) Please file a ticket (see my sig) against the suggest autocomplete issue. We'll fix it.
3) Please also file a ticket for the options menu loop issue. We'll fix that too
@mr_peta -- also, we can discuss this in a new topic, but unix filesystem permissions make it hard for us to do that reliably since the user you ftp the files with is typically not the same as the webserver user so the webserver can't assume control of the files. But we could maybe make a "dropbox" where you stick stuff that gets automatically imported. Start a new topic, let's discuss this and see about implementing it.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 204
Side note..... Can we make a "Windows" area (forums)so I don't have to sort through threds.....I'm up for whatever but time is limited and I'm not reading 40,000 posts to find it's a windows issue.
Posts: 7994
I've made a new [WINDOWS] tag that we will use to mark windows threads for you to make it easier for you to find them.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 204
Thanks bro.....Appreciate it....
Posts: 7
Hi guys got this error on an import from 2.2.4
Failed to import Gallery 2 album with id 1748 and name Maps. ORM validation errors: Array ( [sort_order] => invalid ) exception 'ORM_Validation_Exception' with message 'ORM Validation has failed for items model' in /home/xxxx/public_html/gallery3
log file
2010-09-08 07:31:37 -07:00 --- error: exception 'G2_Import_Exception' with message 'Failed to import Gallery 2 album with id 1748 and name Maps.
ORM validation errors: Array
[sort_order] => invalid
exception 'ORM_Validation_Exception' with message 'ORM Validation has failed for items model' in /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM_Validation_Exception.php:20
Stack trace:
#0 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM.php(755): ORM_Validation_Exception_Core::handle_validation('items', Object(Validation))
#1 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(774): ORM_Core->validate(NULL)
#2 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/libraries/ORM.php(778): Item_Model->validate()
#3 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/MY_ORM.php(23): ORM_Core->save()
#4 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/libraries/ORM_MPTT.php(76): ORM->save()
#5 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/models/item.php(392): ORM_MPTT_Core->save()
#6 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php(456): Item_Model->save()
#7 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import_task.php(130): g2_import_Core::import_album(Array)
#8 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/task.php(90): g2_import_task_Core::import(Object(Task_Model))
#9 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin_maintenance.php(187): task_Core::run('g2_import_task:...', Array)
#10 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(62): Admin_Maintenance_Controller->run('1')
#11 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('1')
#12 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Array, Array)
#13 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): Kohana_Core::instance('maintenance', Array)
#14 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#15 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/index.php(94): require('/home/bearneco/...')
#16 {main}' in /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import.php:458
Stack trace:
#0 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/g2_import/helpers/g2_import_task.php(130): g2_import_Core::import_album(Array)
#1 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/helpers/task.php(90): g2_import_task_Core::import(Object(Task_Model))
#2 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin_maintenance.php(187): task_Core::run('g2_import_task:...', Array)
#3 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/modules/gallery/controllers/admin.php(62): Admin_Maintenance_Controller->run('1')
#4 [internal function]: Admin_Controller->__call('1')
#5 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/core/Kohana.php(331): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Array, Array)
#6 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/system/core/Event.php(208): Kohana_Core::instance('maintenance', Array)
#7 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/application/Bootstrap.php(67): Event_Core::run(Object(Admin_Controller), Array)
#8 /home/bearneco/public_html/gallery3/index.php(94): require('/home/bearneco/...')
#9 {main}
I ran this SQL SELECT DISTINCT (orderBy), COUNT(*) FROM g2_AlbumItem as found in an other post
it returned #1054 - Unknown column 'orderBy' in 'field list'
A quick look into the DB
SELECT DISTINCT (g_orderBy), COUNT( * ) FROM g2_AlbumItem LIMIT 0 , 30
returned NULL 78
but when I looked into the DB I found this set of records
g_id g_theme g_orderBy g_orderDirection
17 NULL NULL asc
35 NULL NULL asc
39 NULL NULL asc
40 asc
42 NULL NULL asc
43 NULL NULL asc
44 NULL NULL asc
45 NULL NULL asc
46 NULL NULL asc
47 NULL NULL asc
297 NULL NULL asc
521 NULL NULL asc
522 NULL NULL asc
523 NULL NULL asc
524 NULL orderWeight asc
1196 NULL NULL asc
1201 NULL NULL asc
1547 NULL NULL asc
1748 map NULL
2239 hybrid NULL
What Shall I do to get the import to work
Posts: 7994
@pbearne: upgrade to the latest experimental code and try the import again. If that fails, please start a new topic and we'll figure it out.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 7
that looking like it is working (still importing)
Is there a web-cam module one of my gallery has a section of them?
Posts: 4
I just installed g3 rc2 on my embedded linux box.
With g2 and g1 I always had 500 errors due to some random php-fcgi bug, but g3 installed straight away!
I did however removed the check on the mysql version since mysql 5 is not cross compilable I'm forced to use mysql 4. To my surprise I didn't run into any problems because of this.
My system:
Operating system: Linux
Apache: Unknown (I use lighttpd)
PHP: 5.2.14
MySQL: 4.1.22
I use the php mysqli plugin (if that makes any difference)
Anyway, everything runs fine, it immediately detected imagemagick, just great
Posts: 3
I'm a completely new gallery user and just installed gallery3.
Autorotate works when uploading on the web but it doesn't work when using server add. Maybe this should be an error report about one of the two involved modules?
Installing gallery was nice and easy and the program told me what to install and what tasks I needed to run/setup (like graphics library, ffmpeg etc) . Very nice.
The system tells me: "Some of your modules are out of date. Upgrade now!" so I try to run .../index.php/upgrader but it doesn't work. It just tells me: "Some modules failed to upgrade! Failed modules are highlighted. Try getting newer versions or deactivating those modules.". It says nothing about why it failed and the faq doesn't seem to tell me anything useful. It tries to upload a new version of the autorotate module (from 1 to 2 although the file modules/autorotate/[whatever.inf file says it's version 2. (This is the first time I run upgrader)
/New galley user
Posts: 27300
please start a new thread with your issues after getting the latest experimental code. Post you log files as well in the new thread.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 19
Still very buggy!
- import from G2 to G3 damaged the G2, G2 installation starts an upgrade process after impor, use ur backup and resore G2
- Rotating does not redirect back to the picture
- resizing to something different than 640px does not work, no failure report in logs, recompression works fine
- standard funktions like mass edit of names or description like in G2 are missing ;(((((
- usibility, never ever better than in G2! maybe better for administrative noobs
- to many normal funktion like in G2 are missing, the list is long,
- using github is good for professionals
- storing code in different systems like github and the other one, the worse
- dashboard, yeah - softcore funktions for soft poeple, it's "normal" today
- performance ... i dont know how misconfigured some servers are ... speed is not an argument to pick G3
Posts: 7994
@RAETO: To start, please get the latest experimental version, some or all of these issues may be fixed (see my signature for upgrade info). Also check your gallery3/var/logs for relevant log snippets on errors:
1) The G3 import does not write to the G2 install at all. I don't see how it can cause damage, and I've seen no other reports of damage. Please provide us with more info so that we can track this down.
2) I don't know what you mean by "Rotating does not redirect back to the picture". Rotating how, where?
3) What's in your logs?
4) Not all functionality in G2 is in G3 yet. But there are tons of unofficial modules, and one of them might do what you want.
5) Don't know why you say that about usability. G3 usability is worlds ahead of G2.
6) See #4
7/8) source control is optimized for developers, not users. why do you care?
9) sorry that you don't like dashboards
10) gallery 2 has several layers of caching to get it to the same performance level that G3 has out of the box. Those caching layers cause instability and varied problems (I bet you that the caching layer is what caused your G2 to go south after you tried the import). If you turn off G2 caching, you'll find G3 to be substantially faster. We may or may not implement caching in G3.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 158
Not sure if this has been fixed in a newer version but here goes.
Today I was doing some rebuilding of my images (about 10 000) and this takes a few hours so I put my gallery in maintenance mode. This was a nice feature I was thinking, probably giving the users who tries to log in a little maintenance note. But no, the users was faced with "Dang something went wrong!" What the? Maybe some of my advanced users would see the difference in the address bar. This has to be fixed. Make it more user friendly.
My other sandbox
Posts: 7994
This bug is fixed in the latest code.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 158
Of course! :D
Great news!
My other sandbox
Posts: 12
I'm impressed with Gallery 3!
Yesterday I managed to import near 2000 photos from our Gallery 2 page, it took like 2 hours but everything went good hopefully. I have some suggestions/questions:
1) The "edit permissions" window is too small. I was using Gallery 2 along with SMF and we had many groups of users, so in my case I have to scroll the bottom horizontal bar in the window to see all groups and make changes, etc.
2) In the admin dashboard we can see a Welcome Message. It would be nice if we can set a Welcome messages for our users, too.
3) How can we import several files at the same time?
4) Where can I define what file formats/file sizes our users can upload?
5) Does people get e-mail notifications of new comments in the picture where they commented?
6) It will be possible to modify the menu by default? At the moment there's only a "Tab" button and it would be great to be able to add other tabs from the administration, for example to our forum, to a contact page, to an external link, etc.
7) The main page shows as page <title> "Browse Album :: [the title of my main album]". Why it does not catch the Header Text I defined in the dashboard instead?
Thank you!
Posts: 27300
@permissions: there is a couple of tickets for this here is one:
@Welcome message: we are tying to keep things simple and if we add more options it makes the product complex and bloated like we had in G2. You can edit the files if you wish to change the welcome message.
@import: there is a few options server add seems to work the best.
@formats: we limited it to a few. There is lots of discussions about this in the forums. For videos there is: I have not created a codex page for it yet.
@notifications: I think they do if they have notifications activated:
@adding more tabs:
7: please start a new thread I don't understand what you are after.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
Can the module contactowner please incoporate the recaptcha?? Thanks!!!
Otherwise nice job so far - the watermark module works nicer than before - automatic apply - but the settings could be extended to decide on which they are applied ;)
Cool would also be to add personal sidbar boxes and menu entries to link to some static content
Posts: 27300
Some modules to make this happen:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 4
i added all the modules from the github - hmm will browse them again - cheers
Is there anything to change the name of the images quicker or even during upload?
Posts: 4
I also noticed that the BatchTag field during upload disappeared in the newest exp Version.... Is this desired? I actually found it quite useful....
Posts: 27300
Yes it is gone. There was way too much confusion on how it worked. People tried to add tags durring the upload process and after as well.
We might bring back a better UI in the future. Try:
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team