Gallery 3.0 Beta 3 Feedback
Joined: 2002-05-21
Posts: 7994 |
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IT'S HERE! I'm doing the happy dance right now like you wouldn't believe. Sure, there are still some bugs left. See the bug list yourself. But the next release is going to be a release candidate! So please test the heck out of Beta 3 and report your findings back to us! |
Posts: 358
Happy dance... what a sight
Posts: 225
Well done people. Excellent stuff
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 8
Hi folks!
The first thing I did this morning was to install Beta 3. The Problem with the "Forgotten Password" is fixed while I still have trouble uploading my photos taken with my 5DmkII. Using the uploader, I tried to add 13 shots I previously have converted from RAW to JPG using the Canon DPP tool. Those JPGs are about 10 Megs in size. Although the uploader said each file was uploaded successfully, I could not click the "close" button in the uploader. When I did, exactly nothing happened, I had to click the "x" in the upper right corner to get back to the album. The 13 images I just had added, were not there. Now, when I try to repeat the whole process by clicking add => add photos, i receive the following well-known message:
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
Talk to your Gallery administrator for help fixing this!
The only way to try again is to log out and log in again - then I can start all over again. I have been using Mozilla Firefox 3.0.13 in Windows XP SP2. My workaround was to previously resize the images and upload them again, which works fine but probably is not what you really want... Nevertheless, I'll send you a download link for the photos I that did not work so you might try by yourselves.
Edit: Error message in the logs:
2009-09-14 07:58:02 +02:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file modules/gallery/helpers/access.php on line 189
Posts: 8
Hi again!
Please tell me when I should not post these things here... It's just that I am facing the next problem. I would like to manually reorder my photos. Therefore I clicked "Album options => Organize Album". Now I can see thumbnails of all photos in that album. On top it says "Drag and drop photos to re-order or move between albums". Dragging and dropping images does not work at all, I cannot re-order them nor can I move them to other albums that way. When clicking a photo, the mouse pointer does not even pick up the image. The sort order at the bottom I have set to Manual - ascending, which I personally believe just does not make sense... When setting the order manually, there is nothing like ascending or descending... Well, I could reverse the order, maybe that is what it should mean. Never mind that, I have been testing this issue with Mozilla Firefox 3.0.13 and Firefox 3.5.2. in Win XP SP2 from two different locations/systems. It does not work at all in Internet Explorer 7.0 - even the Thumbnails do not show up. There are no error messages in the logfiles.
Posts: 122
Upgraded to Beta 3.
Upgrade process no problem.
First thing I notice is that on the root album page when I hover over albums i get a border around that album but as I move around the other albums on the page I gets lots of white space and errors.
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
Timestamp: Mon, 14 Sep 2009 06:54:41 UTC
Message: Invalid argument.
Line: 13
Char: 12949
Code: 0
URI: http://www.*****
Log entry shows
<?php defined('SYSPATH') or die('No direct script access.'); ?>
2009-09-14 07:49:04 +01:00 --- error: There was an SQL error: Unknown column 'slug' in 'field list' - SELECT `name`, `slug`
FROM (`gallery3items`)
WHERE `left_ptr` <= 1
AND `right_ptr` >= 114
AND `id` <> 1
ORDER BY `left_ptr` ASC
#0 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Mysql_Result->__construct(false, Resource id #20, true, 'SELECT `name`, ...')
#1 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database_Mysql_Driver->query('SELECT `name`, ...')
#2 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database_Core->query('SELECT `name`, ...')
#3 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database->query('SELECT `name`, ...')
#4 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database_Core->get()
#5 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Item_Model->_build_relative_caches()
#6 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Item_Model->relative_url()
#7 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Item_Model->url()
#8 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** include('/home/fhlinux17...')
#9 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Controller_Core->_kohana_load_view('/home/fhlinux17...', Array)
#10 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** View_Core->render(false, false)
#11 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** View->render()
#12 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** View_Core->__toString()
#13 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Albums_Controller->_show(Object(Item_Model))
#14 [internal function]: REST_Controller->__call('1', Array)
#15 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Albums_Controller), Array)
#16 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Kohana::instance()
#17 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Event::run(Array)
#18 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** require('/home/fhlinux17...')
#19 {main}
2009-09-14 07:49:39 +01:00 --- error: There was an SQL error: Unknown column 'slug' in 'field list' - SELECT `name`, `slug`
FROM (`gallery3items`)
WHERE `left_ptr` <= 1
AND `right_ptr` >= 114
AND `id` <> 1
ORDER BY `left_ptr` ASC
#0 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Mysql_Result->__construct(false, Resource id #20, true, 'SELECT `name`, ...')
#1 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database_Mysql_Driver->query('SELECT `name`, ...')
#2 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database_Core->query('SELECT `name`, ...')
#3 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database->query('SELECT `name`, ...')
#4 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Database_Core->get()
#5 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Item_Model->_build_relative_caches()
#6 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Item_Model->relative_url()
#7 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Item_Model->url()
#8 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** include('/home/fhlinux17...')
#9 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Controller_Core->_kohana_load_view('/home/fhlinux17...', Array)
#10 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** View_Core->render(false, false)
#11 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** View->render()
#12 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** View_Core->__toString()
#13 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Albums_Controller->_show(Object(Item_Model))
#14 [internal function]: REST_Controller->__call('1', Array)
#15 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(Albums_Controller), Array)
#16 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Kohana::instance()
#17 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** Event::run(Array)
#18 /home/fhlinux178/n/****** require('/home/fhlinux17...')
#19 {main}
Posts: 55
Great work guys! Things are looking up!
I, too, am doing The Happy Dance, though the music is in D minor for the moment...
- Used git pull to upgrade to beta 3. Best way to do it, or is a fresh install preferred?
On the 'Use-browser's-preferred-language' matter - it seems to be halfway implemented. Please note, I am referring to the browser's default language, not Gallery's 'Preferred Language' on its home page. IE, we are interested that the language presented to any user by default respects his own system/browser settings, before he touches 'Preferred Language'.
In the following cases, Gallery's 'Preferred Language' is set to 'none':
On Mac, with the System Preferences set to French, Safari properly displays Gallery in French. Super!
On Mac, with the System Preferences set to French and Firefox' language set to French, Firefox still presents Gallery in English with preferred language set to none. Yes, this sounds like a problem with Firefox, but isn't the browser's language preference an easily 'test-able' variable?
Many thanks again for all your hard work. Lou
Posts: 474
My beta 3 shows "The internet address should contain only letters, numbers, hyphens and underscores" if i want
to change the internet address from my pictures eg. poble-espanyol-bb5030.jpg to poble-espanyol-bb5030.html
I could save the change only without file extension (.jpg). Is this the correct way?
[G2] Foto Galerie
Posts: 8
confirmed - Dragging and Dropping also does not work for me in the re-organize function. (firefox 3.5.3)
request: can we get a manual option on side or something (arrows that could be clicked to move an album up or down in the list?)
request2: when you hover over the album it shows you the album name, can we get that name to display statically above or below the album, so every album always shows the name, when re-organizing, it would be nice to look at all albums and from a glance you could see what to move where, instead of having to hover over each one to see what it is.
Posts: 474
I have a usability Question for the delete photo menu
If you click on photo options, the menu appers - now the cursor position is over "delete this photo".
Good to delete fast photos (inclusive confirm delete), but bad for "fast clickers". It is better to
chance the "delete" option with "edit this photo"?
[G2] Foto Galerie
Posts: 12
Error still exists where you are allowed to sort by Date Captured, but if EXIF plugin is not installed, then each photo in the album is listed as "0 of x" and you are unable to browse the album in the individual photo view.
Posts: 358
@dvader, DJ_Cyberdance: yep, there's a problem: I opened this ticket: to track
@paulcobb: how did you upgrade? Did you just download and replace the code or did you goto http://yourdoamin/gallery3/index.php/upgrader? There is no automatic upgrade, you have to manually run the upgrader.
Posts: 122
@talmdal I downloaded zip from soureforge, unzipped over previous install on server. Upgraded using http://www.mydomain/gallery3/index.php/upgrader
Upgrader reported that previous version was 10 & new 12 ?? - may be wrong just from memory!
Previous version from GIT was
Posts: 16504
@DJ_Cyberdance: Post issues in one of these forums:
And see this thread:
@paulcobb: don't use IE, there are known issues, that you are experiencing. Ticket #666 on trac
@XCOM: I'm suspecting a bug there. Removing the extension doesn't get you .html, but you can't change it either...
About your usability comment. I've thought the same. I'll leave a note for thumb in IRC
@dvader: see my comments to DJ_Cyberdance
@rasamassen: still in trac
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live hereFAQ: How to set/use Gallery in debug mode?
Posts: 122
@nivekiam: With FF 3.5.3 all is well.
Posts: 358
@DJ_Cyberdance, dvader: just committed a fix for the drag and drop issue
Posts: 122
Using FF when i try to login just going round in circles - not able to login
Log entry
2009-09-14 16:04:05 +01:00 --- error: Uncaught Exception: @todo FORBIDDEN in file modules/gallery/helpers/access.php on line 189
Posts: 16504
talmdal, about dragging and dropping. Is rubber-banding the only way to select thumbs in Organize at the moment? I can't even single-click and drag.
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 358
@nivekiam: yep and if there are more thumbs than fit on the organize dialog, then you can't scroll when selecting either. We switched back from the development version of jquery.ui.selectable and lost some functionality. The current version of selectable does not play nice with the draggable plugin. For example, clicks get swallowed by the draggable plugin and never reach selectable.
I'm working on trying to get some of it back.
Posts: 16504
Thanks talmdal. I know about the scrolling, but wasn't sure about the clicking.
I know how much fun you've had with it
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 225
Just upgraded my live site... Had a couple of problems
Some of the album names have ()'s in them which I think are now not allowed as part of b3. This meant I had to manually edit the database to get rid of the ()'s on the album names (slug, relative_url_cache and name columns, not touching the relative_path_cache) and then renamed them again using the normal gallery edit to ensure the underlying gallery was renamed and the images were correctly shown / caches rebuilt.
I'm not sure if this should be raised as a bug or not? I'm thinking that it could be something that the upgrader does? Or it could quite easily be a documented problem as part of the upgrade?
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 155
I have just returned from my 2 weeks trip and imediately upgraded to G3 beta 3 and here are my reports:
1) previously entered html code is showing as a code not rendered text.
2) basket is not showing at all also I have installed posted one from Ben and it gives me option to configure
3) when I click on the image to get detail it only displays file name
What is going on? Is there a problem with my installation?
Posts: 27300
I think there is a task for this but in the mean time could you write some documents and PM me them so I could add it to the codex/docs page. Since it is a rare case and it does fix a major bug it might be part of the upgrade to fix some albums manually. The goal of G3 is to be lean and adding even more upgrade code adds complexity. After all it is beta code so you can expect some things like this.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 225
Hope you had a good holiday
I changed the basket so that it only shows if you've added something into it... If the basket is empty it doesn't show. (it can be changed so that it always shows.. maybe I should do that as a configurable option)
as to the other stuff I'm not sure... I think some work was done to stop you from adding the HTML hence why that's coming out as rendered text
and I'm guessing the images aren't displaying because of the .'s and ()'s in the name.. I had problems in my site with that. Have a go at uploading some new images and see if you get the same problem.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 27300
Can you edit the text to fix? I noticed you have a <html> and <body> tags. That is all ready rendered by the theme.
Basket? 3rd party module. Start new thread.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 225
Floridave. no probs. will draw up some notes later on and PM them to you.
Actually thinking about it.. it might be better to get people to change the names of all albums before they do the upgrade to remove those characters.. :\.. will save risky manual SQL updates that some people might not be too comfortable doing.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 225
wBarek.. I just had another thought.. It might be my module that's stopping the items from being seen.. I added a new table into the latest basket.. and I didn't do a proper upgrade for it (my bad...! )... if you disable and re-enable the shopping basket module it will create the new table.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 155
Ben, yes it was great fall up Canadian North, so I have few thousands images to process. I don't understand, how do you add photo into basket - there is no option to do so displayed anywhere?
As for not displaying detailed images - I tried to import some new files some without any . or () just plain number and the result is the same.
The changes removing displying html is not good as I need links in some description. The previous versions were fine.
This is quite a let down.
Posts: 225
wBarek... Try disabling the shopping basket... then re-enabling.. I think that will sort out the items not showing... And you'll also then see the 'add to basket' option.
Benjamin Albert Smith - Photography
Posts: 155
floridave, no I can't edit that text, where do you switch to edit mode? Where is the option for adding description to albums and images? When I select Album options -> edit album nothing happens?
Posts: 155
I tried to disable basket and when clicked to update modules I get that weird dialogue:
Dang... Something went wrong!
We tried really hard, but it's broken.
??? Am I going crazy?
Posts: 27300
Give them 2 options then. Editing album name is a lot easier to do than SQL.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 27300
Glooper and wbarek,
Please start a new thread about basket issues, this thread is for Beta3 feedback.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 155
Ben, since I couldn't disable basket via module updates, I simply removed the code from the server and yes that fixed the detail view, which is fine. So the code of your module is the culprit - any ideas on how to fix it?
Thanks William
Posts: 155
Sorry, It was my mistake that I put everything into same "basket" as a result of my upgrade. There is already thread going by Glooper, so we will continue there. So my remaining question is about the html in album description - I need links there susch as:
You can still visit my <b><font color="#0000ff"><a href="" rel="nofollow">current G2 Gallery. </a></font></b> If you like to read more abou the events and photo location for my albums, please:<br />
<b><font color="#0000ff"><a href="" rel="nofollow">Visit My Blog site. </a></font></b>
I removed the initial page html code, but these links are not rendered by theme?
Posts: 358
In B2 the htmlpurifier code was included as part of the release. In b3 this has been removed (this made the g3 foot print almost 2MB smaller). If you want to use this this functionality, you need to download (gallery-contrib on git hub) and install the purifier module. (
Posts: 2466
Cannot get latest git - gives "404 Not Found"
B3 should still allow geting git, isn't it?
Posts: 16504
Serge D, looks like an issue at github, I tried a few others from the download link on this page and got a 404
Try the command line
git clone git://
Like Gallery? Like the support? Donate now!!! See G2 live here
Posts: 3
What about gallery remote protocol ???
Posts: 27300
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 155
Thanks Talmdal, I did that and everything seems back to what I wanted. I must always remember to reinstall these modules when updating code. Great work!
Posts: 122
Solved now - This was related to not having Java installed I think (using different computer for testing) but no warnings - just did not respond.
Posts: 27300
Can you reproduce this? I don't think that Java is required, but JavaScript is but should give a warning of some sort.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 358
@wbarek: You shouldn't have to reinstall with each release of gallery, its just because this release is where we refactored the html cleansing into a separate module. So now that you have it installed, future in-place updates of gallery3, should still find it. What you should do, is when updating gallery3, check to see if there are any corresponding updates to the -contrib modules that are installed.
Posts: 32509
I don't have a Mac to test with. What's the value of the Accept-Language header when browsing with your Firefox?
You can find out e.g. by browsing to a phpinfo.php page (file contents: <?php phpinfo(); ?>) which will show something like:
HTTP Headers Information
Accept-Language he,en-us;q=0.8,de-ch;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
Or you can use Firefox's live http headers extension to see what your browser sends.
Posts: 2466
B3/B3git merge comments:
* It would be nice if install.sql would list {vars} in incremental order... easier to maintain.
* something I broke? link to the album does not work - it does not include actual id of the album, just root. Was working fine few days ago from git. I have noticed changes to url generation in the latest git... bit I am not sure if it is git or my schema.
* I noticed that with default schema under IE 8 and I do see the same at one of the sites mentioned above ( Hover over the album, breakes the layout...
Posts: 32509
You might want to give a try.
But it won't help if your Accept-Language header doesn't list multiple locales. It just addresses the case where your OS / browser preferences include multiple locales. Previously, it would sometimes prefer an exact locale match over an inexact same-language match (e.g. prefering en-us over fr-ch when your preferences list fr-ch before en-us because Gallery 3 has en_US, and fr_FR, but no fr_CH. Now it has a stronger boost for same language matches, i.e. fr_CH falling back to fr_FR is almost as strong a preference as fr_FR).
Posts: 7994
@XCOM: yup, change the internet address to the file without the
extension. It won't have .html attached to it (but we may allow
that in the future). Also, I think we're not really done with
the context menu and will be changing it around, which should
change the default position the mouse is over.
@rasamassen: I filed also.
@Glooper: I took the easy way out in the upgrader because I figured that beta users would be willing to endure a few bumps in the road. Sorry about that. I don't consider it a bug going forward. Somebody could definitely write a contrib module to fix this up.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
bugs/feature req's | upgrade to the latest code | use git
Posts: 55
Right out of my phpMyAdmin space (it's noteworthy that the User-Agent and Accept-Language Headers have different ideas about the language:
FROM Firefox MAC: ------------- Mac 'locale' is set to English, though Firefox language pref is two versions of French:
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.6; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3
Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language fr-fr,fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
FROM Firefox WINDOWS (XP Pro 64-bit): ------------- Gallery works perfectly! Displaying French, even with no preferred language selected!
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.2; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language fr-fr,fr;q=0.8,en-us;q=0.5,en;q=0.3
So this is kinda weird... Is it that the Mac locales 'trump' the Firefox preferences? Please note that other language-aware sites - Google, others? - do display a French-ified interface to me from Firefox Mac.
Posts: 32509
thanks! are these test results with the above posted patch?
Posts: 32509
So you've got the same Accept-Language header value in both cases, but you get a different UI language in both cases?
Can you please clear your cookies for the domain to ensure that you don't have any preferences set already?
It only looks at the Accept-Language header if you don't have any language preference already.
Language preferences with a higher priority are:
1. for your current session (set in the language selection block, set in the cookie)
2. if you're logged in, set in your gallery user preferences.
if both are not set, it falls back to the Accept-Language header.
And if there's no match for any of these preferences vs. the installed locales, it falls back to the installation's default locale (set in admin -> settings -> languages).