Gallery 3.0 Beta 2 Feedback
Joined: 2002-05-21
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Gather round and tell us what you love and hate about the beta 2 release! Don't forget to check your log files before reporting errors, and if it's been a while since the release (July 14th) please consider grabbing the latest code from revision control and making sure that the bug still exists. See my signature below for some useful links. |
Posts: 79
Thank you.
Posts: 722
Upgraded to beta 2, everything seemed to go fine, except now all I get is an empty page with some html in it:
Attempting to investigate now, although although my var/logs folder is empty so this'll probably take some time to figure out...
Okay, after pulling up and sql prompt and manually disabling modules one at a time, I've decided that my gallery installation is breaking whenever the Polar Rose module is enabled. It also looks like images defined in the CSS aren't loading (for example the slideshow icon and the other images in that area are all missing), but its ridiculously late right now so I think I'll get some sleep and figure out why that's not working for me later.
Posts: 7994
We pulled Polar Rose from the official distro, so you can either delete it from your modules dir, or grab the latest copy from the gallery3-contrib repo.
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Posts: 6
I just wanted to say that I have been a gallery user for a long time... I am now running G3 Beta 2 without any issues at the moment (keeping fingers crossed ;)). Here is my setup:
Windows Vista
Apache: 2.2.11 (Win32) DAV/2 mod_ssl/2.2.11 OpenSSL/0.9.8i
PHP: 5.2.9
MySQL: 5.1.33
Though I have cheated a bit and used distro to install my webserver I have never had any problems installing any php script.
Thanks again for a great product and look forward to the future of G3.
Posts: 2466
What was the reason to combine JS/CSS?
Now it is almost impossible to design/track theme changes
Is there a way to disable it?
Posts: 722
Okay, attempting to dig into my "UI images aren't loading" problem. According to the activity window in Safari, the images aren't loading because the web browser is looking in the wrong places:
Looking at the .css file, I'm seeing lines like this for the images that won't load:
Looks like wherever there's a "\" instead of a "/", the slash is being ignored, and I've got no idea where it got that "%UDEF" thing from. Weird.
Modifying gallery3\modules\gallery\libraries\Gallery_View.php to spit out css with all the slashes going the same way ("/") does not make any difference. I've got absolutely no idea why its not working right.
Posts: 27
The upgrade process was perfect - well done, and thanks!
Is it no longer possible to Add from Server a whole directory?
So now I have to click on each of the dozens of files in the folders?
I have tried shift-clicking but no luck, I have tried double-clicking the folder, but this ends up with no images in that folder selected.
Posts: 59
There was a closed bug ticket on removing index.php from the URLs but I see no way of doing so through the gallery web interface.
How is this done? Are there open tickets on making this functionality easier to use / discover?
Posts: 27
BTW - just done what it says, and works for me
Posts: 27
Me again!
I've not seen this bug before, so I don't know if it's this new version that's causing it...
The 6th image there is the top left corner of the thumb, which is the same as the full size image!
Posts: 59
Weird. The .htaccess file didn't get replaced when copying over the Beta2 stuff to my Beta1 directory.
Anyway, now works fine; thanks.
Posts: 16504
I don't know exactly, but it does help in compressions and sending fewer files to the browser
Not entirely. For each file that gets combined there is a string in the combined file where the individual file starts. Each save of CSS (and I assume JS) forces the combined file to be recreated. At least in my experience so far.
I was wondering that too
For windows issues: See this thread. It's a known problem on Windows and Apache (and I don't know what else)
That link provides a fix, that fix may not ever make it into the core code, I don't know. Windows users may need to maintain their own fork(s) of the code. Windows is just not supported unless someone is willing to step up to the plate.
For short URL, see .htaccess that ships in the gallery3 directory
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Posts: 722
If I turn off the Organize module, the missing images will show up when using Internet Explorer. Safari/Firefox/Google Chrome continue to not display the images regardless.
Additionally, if I turn on Notification, the root album (gallery3/index.php) will not load when logged in as a "normal" user, although sub album's continue to load fine. It will load fine when logged in as admin or not logged in at all though.
Posts: 16504
rWatcher, try this fix:
Again guys, G3 is not supported on Windows.
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Posts: 722
I know it's not supported in Windows, but the fact that it works fine in one browser but not another is making me wonder if the problem I'm seeing is on the server end or the web browser end :/
That line of code fixes the image display problem in Safari. Internet explorer works properly for me regardless of that line. Firefox and Google Chrome continue to not work. I also deleted everything from the gallery3 caches table, just to make sure everything was refreshing properly.
Posts: 16504
Clear caches. It works for me on Firefox with that fix. Open a css file that gets combined and save it. Force G3 to recreate the combined css file and force FF to reload the page.
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Posts: 7994
@rWatcher: What you're seeing is that URLs that are mangled in a Windows specific way work fine on a Windows based browser.
But even though we don't support Windows, we don't want to cut it off at the knees either. nivekiam and I are discussing a fix here: -- when we get that right I'll pull it in.
@SergeD: browser connections to load JS and CSS are a huge source of end-user latency. By combining the files, we make the site *much* faster. There's no way to turn it off currently, but we can add a means to do that in the future if it's really getting in your way.
@jezmck: you can still an entire directory hierarchy in server_add. Directories are selectale, just use single-click to select the one you want. For the unusually large thumbnail you've got there.. that's weird. Can you share the url to your site here?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 27
As a hidden 'dotfile' it won't be copied by default in *nix.
(hence their instructions suggesting that you copy the var folder to the newly expanded folder.
Oops, somehow didn't realise. On a related note, I think it needs somekind of spinner to show that the contents are being fetched when opening a folder - the server I'm using is rather slow at this.
Sorry, I deleted that image, then reloaded it, didn't happen again. (I was wrong about it being the top left hand corner though, was the middle of the left side.
Posts: 722
Oh right, I forgot about the browser cache
That does fix it, thanks
It also fixes the issue where the Organize module was messing up IE.
Ah, thanks. IE being the only browser to work makes sense now
Posts: 2466
@bharat: once JS/CSS file is loaded it would be cached until caching session is violated. So it is an issue of the first load.
Then if you are to worry about the size of the CSS, compress and optimize it by one (ex. or instead of combining them (even with optimization).
Sending 2 files of equal size over the pipe is no better or worse then sending one combined.
Looking at the file, nothing else done much.
csstidy gives more options for compression (like comments, merging, etc)
Again this assuming that our CSS is perfect.
What I have observed so far is a lot of redefining going between different CSS files. This slows down rendering because many paths needs to be analyzed.
I think simplifying CSS should be a goal rather then obscuring data sent via the wire.
As a developer of the theme, I can compress it myself (assuming I could provide source as well
Nothing needs to be done for me which makes process of development harder.
Posts: 7994
@SergeD: I'm not going to get into a long discussion about this, but suffice it to say that this particular issue is my area of expertise as it's what I do in my day job. Read up on this via the links here
Install Google Page Speed (or YSlow!) and profile both approaches and you'll see a substantial improvement with the current approach. Don't count on your bare intuition here. Nothing is being obscured, optimized or compiled here-- we're just combining requests. I would at some point like to loop JSMin and CSSMin into this though and actually optimize our JS and CSS to reduce bytes over the wire and remove unnecessary CSS.
@jezmck: there is a spinner when it's loading folders. I'm not sure why it's not appearing for you.
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 29
There are some photos in my gallery that won't rebuild:
After rebuildung the finished task shows updated, but the Taskmanager is still colored yellow. Browsing the log shows:
Any ideas?
BTW: The photos can be viewed in the gallery without any problems.
Posts: 14
Upgrader went fine. Nice
Just a small thing i noticed as far. When exif-module is activated i get a "view more information" button in the sidebar. It's a bit confusing there, especially when you have the image-block-module. So my first thought was it's the exif of the random image ^^ Besides this "theme-issue" when i click on the button, a nice popup with the exif-tags comes up... but how to close it? There is no "x" or "close" or anything like that ;-)
Posts: 2466
@bharat: yes, granted you may have more experience with that then me
I think we are talking apples and oranges here
from "Google Page Speed" you addressed "Combine external CSS" while same could be achieved by "Optimize the order of styles and scripts" or even improved since you would be doing parallel download of several CSS at the same time, instead of downloading one big one. Without optimizing the file, you are actually may hurt the performance.
JavaScript is slightly different story.
What is an improvement with CSS download time here?
Otherwise, I think "Optimize browser rendering" would be better goal here
Posts: 27300
bharat will have a better longer more professional answer, but here is mine albeit short answer:
One http request is 2 times faster than 2.
But to quote a book author on the subject:
"...the server only makes one HTTP request per page instead of several. All this shaves valuable milliseconds off delivery time."
from a different book on the subject:
'Rule 1 - Make Fewer HTTP Requests' as we already have to make a lot because each image is a request in itself being a photo album and all.
I agree with you that there needs to be a 'switch' to turn it off for development.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 3
After upgrading to Beta2, my G2 import no longer works. I tried unzipping over the existing files as the directions recommended, as well as unzipping to a new directory and copying my var folder over. Everything else works fine. Server is Ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS, Apache/2.2.8, PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.6, MySQL.
Error is as follows:
From the admin dashboard, I visit Settings menu->Gallery 2 Import ( This page works ok. I enter the correct path to the gallery2 embed.php file. After clicking Save, I receive the following error page (
In my log file, I only received the following (which is less informative than the error html page):
It suggested I ask for help in the forums, so here I am.
Posts: 7994
@Bigda: check your var/logs output and your apache logs output. Anything in there?
@van_Gogh: there's a little [x] in the top right hand corner that you can use to close that, and all other dialogs. We have to figure out where to put the exif data.
@SergeD: At this point, I'm pretty overloaded with making the product work so that we can release it. I'm comfortable with what we have. If you feel that we've gone the wrong direction with combining CSS, please make a compelling case why it should be changed with reproducible benchmarks and I'll seriously consider it. But without data, I'm going to leave it as it is.
@chrismc: can you delete var/modules/g2_import and try again and see if you still get the problem? If you do, can you zip up your var/modules/g2_import and share it with us?
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 8339
My XML Minislideshow now works with G3

No need for any external feed generator we now read G3's built-in mediaRss feeds natively.
I've even updated my super easy embed tool for G3
@bharat install went without a hitch, Imagemagick and ffmpeg detected normally (/usr/local/bin/) thanks!
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 16504
suprsidr, SWEET!!!!
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Posts: 8339
There is an example using G3 on the embed-o-rator page.
FlashYourWeb and Your Gallery with The E2 XML Media Player for Gallery2
Posts: 2466
There is a gzip mod for htaccess file which makes firebug happier
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
# compress the files
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml text/css text/javascript application/x-javascript
# removes some bugs
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch \bMSI[E] !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html
SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI \
\.(?:gif|jpe?g|png)$ no-gzip dont-vary
Header append Vary User-Agent env=!dont-vary
Posts: 3
I removed (well, technically I moved to my home directory out of the web directory tree) the var/modules/g2_import directory (which contained a directory named '6ffbc437383d9fa0e524a5c303008534', which contained, embed.php, Gallery.class, main.php). After doing that, the same process sent me to '', which produced a blank page. Nothing was logged for this event. I tried deactivating and reactivating the g2_import module, with the same result. There is now nothing in the var/modules directory, even after de/reactivating the module.
Posts: 14
@bharat: D'oh. It was there, but i didn't see it because of the css-bug under windows. With nivekiam fix i see it now ;) Sorry for complaining.
Posts: 29
@bharat: Finally i found out was was going on...
6 photos where missing (got probably lost while uploading by ftp).
Everything fine now - keep up your great work!
Posts: 2466
@bharat: logic of forcing combined CSS/JS is not optional
If I am to create a file without any CSS or JS registered using $theme->css or $theme->script, code still trying to put combined files and therefore failing since there is none
Another thing, there is no minimal theme based just page.html.php.
Code requires album.html.php also being present
Posts: 7994
@chrismc: Oops, my bad. Recreate var/modules/g2_import and chmod 777 it, then try again. I forgot that you need to leave that dir intact.
@van_Gogh: Glad to know that we resolved it!
@Bigda: whew!
@SergeD: good point!
Problems? Check gallery3/var/logs
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Posts: 39
1-Upgrader went well. ya!
(Yes I know it is in the bug database)
2-Oups, still no EXIT rotation? ok ok, I'll wait
3-Yes, some % radio of JPG!
Easyness of use (bug or feature request?)
10-When looking at the full image size, it there any plan to do a "next" when clicking at the right part of the image, "previous" on the left side, and close anywhere else? Like that the "X" in the up-right corner could disapear.
11-When clicking on "start translating", nothing really happens... there is no hints about anything.
12-"Start translating" is not translated by the way ;)
13-I added some photos with the "add from local folder" and after the "Found 30 pictures" is seems to stop and do nothing. I did not know if I needed to clic somewhere or not. After waiting for a while, it did show adding 1 of 30...
Real bugs
20-The slideshow module does not work with album that contain accents ("é").
21-The slideshow does not seems to load PNG files.
22-Looking at a single photo and loading the slideshow does not work. The slideshow say: "There are no items, Please try another link"
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 27300
10-> that could be done with a custom theme.
11-> scroll down and click "translate text". There is work on the translation front stay tuned.
12-> please file a bug on this.
13-> please start a new thread with this issue. include steps you are taking and if there is anything in the /var/logs direcotory.
20-> I think is is reported already. Please search and add a bug if you can't find one. There is a few bugs with accents and they might all be related.
21-> Seems to work for me. Got a url or a .png file? Start a new thread on this as well.
22-> Seems to work for me as well: Please start a new thread with url.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 32509
> > 12-"Start translating" is not translated by the way ;)
> 12-> please file a bug on this.
please don't file a bug. the "start translating" message is internationalized already. all that is missing is a translation to your language (French?).
you can translate it yourself and you can share the translation with the community.
Posts: 27300
Sure the message is internationalized, but once you click the 'start translating" it becomes 'stop translating".
I don't see a location in the UI to translate 'start translating'.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 32509
in the translation UI, click on "show all", then you'll see a list of all messages, including "start translating."
this might sound like a hack, but there's a reason for that. there's a whole list of messages that you might never see when you're translating. e.g. the "login" message, since you're logged in already. or any other message that is shown only to guest users. or messages that are only shown under certain conditions. that's why we have this "show all" mode.
Posts: 3
Couldn't wait for final release and tried the beta 2 today...
Fresh install and import of about 350 photos worked smoothly without any issues despite me using an 1&1 account and having experienced performance issue with gallery 2.3 before (broken images).
Started experimenting with theming for my own - result of one afternoon can be found at my test installation
To sum it up I am very impressed...
However, three features I do really miss:
1st The ability to store and display a date for each image (exif import on upload would be nice as with the description) and to edit it manually.
2nd The possibility to watermark a full size-image (in my eyes a full size image could be treated like a resized image at least to a certain predefined maximum-dimension, e. g. 1280x1024).
3rd The possibility to use different watermarks (e.g. one for each photographer).
Thanks and greetings from Dresden
Posts: 39
@floridave @valiant
12-> "Show all" does not show all. It only display all strings currently active on the page. Since "Start translating" is only available when the translator is not active, it will never show in the "show all" list.
20-> Done.
22->no no, start from here
I'll wait for the next version for the other stuff.
Alexandre Racine - Évènement, photos et beaucoup plus!
Posts: 1
I installed Beta2 today and its working really well, just wanted to thanks to everyone working on this.
One feature that I think would a big difference is having the ability to have privacy options on individual photos as well as the current ability to control complete albums. I currently get around this by uploading the same album twice, one private and one public (with all private photos deleted). Although this works it does mean I have to upload the same photos twice.
Keep up the good work,
Posts: 16504
Search for conversations on this, but in summary it's not going to happen in the core product, period. We've learned our lesson from G2
Someone may create a plugin for this, but the decision was made to keep things simple and for performance reasons. Having permissions being able to be set by user and on individual items can really hurt performance.
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Posts: 27300
@sono: That was discussed at great length. There is a significant performance impact, adds more code complexity, code size, user interface design complexity, admin/support difficulty, upgrade code, imageblock code, item copy/move code, slow speed. In the end there had to be a trade off, Per-item permissions lost. it has been dropped and as you discovered there is at lease one workaround.
Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team
Posts: 2466
I would like to propose improved version of bb2html function used in import
Also can we make it a core function available from anywhere, may be as part of HTML purifier
a) added support for o, img with alt text, mail, center, class, list
b) added nl2br normalization
c) <, > replaced with <, >
d) &quot; replaced with "
e) removed use of <font>, <span> is used instead
f) added "alt" to image declaration for W3C validation
g) fixed bug in {color}, and {ul} definitions
e) stops slashing, useful when pulling from db
Note: extra spaces need to be removed in size, color, and list rule declaration as they are placed here for format only
Posts: 74
I believe I have a resolution to ticket #438. I have spent far more time trying to merge these into Git than it took me to come up with the solution, so I thought I would post the fix here so it could be implemented faster. If you add the following 2 lines to the file modules/exif/helpers/exif.php (I put them at lines 135-136), all images added from that point forward that have GPS tags in them will have their GPS tags stored in the DB and visible in the pop-up EXIF box.
Once they are there, they can be used by module developers (perhaps for a geotagging module).
"Latitude" => array("GPS", "Latitude", t("GPS: Latitude"), ),
"Longitude" => array("GPS", "Longitude", t("GPS: Longitude"), ),
Posts: 69
Beta2 is great. Install is smooth. My G2.3 is integrated with phpbb. The import from g2 works great. My 3000 images in g2 were successfully imported to G3. A little issue : In g2, both image and album thumbs are square. After import to g3, image thumbs are still square while album thumbs changed to origin photo aspect ratio. Images thumbs in album page are square while image thumbs in image block are NOT square. Is it an issue related with square thumb or related import from g2?
I moved the gmaps module in g3 alpha2 version to beta2 and have a test. After that, when I tried to delete the module, I didn't find the delete function in module management panel. So I deleted the record in table [modules] and delete the files. It works but is it OK?
A similar case is that I didn't find how to delete an updated translation of a word (the word has been yellow-green highlighted already ). So I deleted in database. It works also but is it OK?
Posts: 69
A small bug: when the description text of a image is over 2000 charactors, in the album page which should show the thumb and the description, only the text is visible and the thumb is NOT visible.