This is the top level of my Gallery. I'm not logged in so there's a Login button in the top right hand corner. Notice that are 3
This is the top level of my Gallery. I'm not logged in so there's a Login button in the top right hand corner. Notice that are 32 albums available for public users to browse.
This is the login page. It's pretty standard.
This is the login page. It's pretty standard.
I'm logged in now. Notice that now there are 33 albums available. There were 32 before I logged in and that's because the "
I'm logged in now. Notice that now there are 33 albums available. There were 32 before I logged in and that's because the "Murguias come to dinner!" album is not visible to the public. Also notice that the Christmas in California album has extra
This is the album permissions dialog. In the left box is a list of users (the names are blurred to protect the innocent). There
This is the album permissions dialog. In the left box is a list of users (the names are blurred to protect the innocent). There are four boxes to the right which let you control who can see, change, add and delete photos in this album.
This is an album that I own. Notice that it's got controls in the top right corner that allow me to add photos to the album and
This is an album that I own. Notice that it's got controls in the top right corner that allow me to add photos to the album and otherwise maintain it. Also note that each picture has buttons to delete, rotate, re-order, highlight and hide photos under it.
Here's the same album again after I log out. Notice that the Login button is back in the top right corner and all the controls a
Here's the same album again after I log out. Notice that the Login button is back in the top right corner and all the controls are gone.
Users can modify their preferences. Passwords are stored in an encrypted form (Gallery uses MD5 to hash the password for securit
Users can modify their preferences. Passwords are stored in an encrypted form (Gallery uses MD5 to hash the password for security).
This is the properties page where the appearance of each album can be customized. If you specify an auto-resize size, when you a
This is the properties page where the appearance of each album can be customized. If you specify an auto-resize size, when you add new photos it will automatically generate a version at that size so that viewers can view an intermediate version of large i