v1.1 feature: Nested albums. You can now put an album inside another album. This allows you to organize and categorize your albu
v1.1 feature: Nested albums. You can now put an album inside another album. This allows you to organize and categorize your albums!
v1.1 feature: Nested albums. You can now put an album inside another album. This is the admin view...note that you have all the
v1.1 feature: Nested albums. You can now put an album inside another album. This is the admin view...note that you have all the same options as you have for top level albums.
v1.1 feature: Gallery is now fully compatible with Nuke 5.0 as a Nuke module. You can make your gallery appear inside your Nuked
v1.1 feature: Gallery is now fully compatible with Nuke 5.0 as a Nuke module. You can make your gallery appear inside your Nuked site in seconds!
v1.1 feature: Gallery is also fully compatible with Post-Nuke .62, 0.64 and 0.7 as a Post-Nuke module. It works right out of the
v1.1 feature: Gallery is also fully compatible with Post-Nuke .62, 0.64 and 0.7 as a Post-Nuke module. It works right out of the box!
v1.1 feature: Gallery now displays the EXIF data embedded in photos taken with most digital cameras.
v1.1 feature: Gallery now displays the EXIF data embedded in photos taken with most digital cameras.
v1.1 feature: Gallery now has a search feature which lets you search album and photo title and captions for keywords.
v1.1 feature: Gallery now has a search feature which lets you search album and photo title and captions for keywords.
v1.2.3 feature: Gallery now comes with a standalone Java application that allows users to upload photos using drag and drop!
v1.2.3 feature: Gallery now comes with a standalone Java application that allows users to upload photos using drag and drop!
A more recent screenshot of Gallery Remote (version 1.0.1)
GR now supports thumbnails, previews, multiple Galleries, saving us
A more recent screenshot of Gallery Remote (version 1.0.1)
GR now supports thumbnails, previews, multiple Galleries, saving username and password, embedded Galleries, picture reordering and much more...