Module: Gallery1 Import

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Wed, 2011-05-18 18:14

This module allows you to import your Gallery 1 content into the current version of Gallery 3 without having to migrate to Gallery 2 first.
More details:


Know issues
not fully tested without mod_rewrite (G1, G3, mixed)
mod_rewrite instructions after import are not 100% complete to replace the old gallery folder
possibly lots of yet-to-find bugs :)


Joined: 2011-11-29
Posts: 5
Posted: Tue, 2011-11-29 02:16

Hi, thanks for working on this module. I activated the module, then try to enter the filesystem path in the module settings page. No matter what path I enter I get "(!) The path you entered does not exist." I even tried moving the content under the main web docroot. I also tried that location but using a relative path in the input form.

Unfortunately, neither Apache logs nor php error logs give me anything useful. Can you advise where I could look to debug this?

running Apache 2.2, php 5.3



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Posted: Tue, 2011-11-29 06:07

hm well I made some progress. As I expected the first issue is related to SELinux. Heh I'm starting to think that running a webserver under SELinux is a bit masochistic.

Then I had to change the albums' path location in the G1 config.php to the new path. as a test I left just one album in the G1 albums directory. the import claims to have completed but where is it putting the now-converted photos? I see no new albums.

does the g1_import module just analyze where url rewrites should point to? I was hoping to have it create a new album in G3 in the original photo order the G1 album had. thanks!

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
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Posted: Tue, 2011-11-29 06:27

hi Matt23!

hm well I made some progress. As I expected the first issue is related to SELinux. Heh I'm starting to think that running a webserver under SELinux is a bit masochistic.

personally i'm also running something like SELinux called AppArmor - basically no problem as long as you closely watch the logs while installing new software.

Then I had to change the albums' path location in the G1 config.php to the new path. as a test I left just one album in the G1 albums directory. the import claims to have completed but where is it putting the now-converted photos? I see no new albums.

sounds ok. did you allow SELinux write access to the gallery-data folder? i guess you deleted all the albums in the g1 albums directory via the g1 web interface, right? so not to damage the g1 "database" files.

does the g1_import module just analyze where url rewrites should point to? I was hoping to have it create a new album in G3 in the original photo order the G1 album had. thanks!

the module looks up each g1 album inside the albums folder and creates a redirect for the name of the album to the new adress of the album. this is because g3 adresses subalbums like =album/subalbum whereas g1 adresses subalbums like =subalbum. the module not only tries to create the pictures and albums in the same order but even to take over the original album highlight.



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Posted: Tue, 2011-11-29 07:40

heh well it pays to stick to it, i guess. things look a lot better now. apparently you should really drop the entire G1 albums directory in place. I was trying to move forward cautiously, too cautiously I suppose. I still have a bit of cleanup to do but this module really rocks! thanks!


Joined: 2011-11-29
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Posted: Tue, 2011-11-29 07:46
the0ne wrote:
hi Matt23!

hm well I made some progress. As I expected the first issue is related to SELinux. Heh I'm starting to think that running a webserver under SELinux is a bit masochistic.

personally i'm also running something like SELinux called AppArmor - basically no problem as long as you closely watch the logs while installing new software.

Then I had to change the albums' path location in the G1 config.php to the new path. as a test I left just one album in the G1 albums directory. the import claims to have completed but where is it putting the now-converted photos? I see no new albums.

sounds ok. did you allow SELinux write access to the gallery-data folder? i guess you deleted all the albums in the g1 albums directory via the g1 web interface, right? so not to damage the g1 "database" files.

yeah actually it seems like SELinux on Centos 6 is not as helpful as it was on 5.5. the log entries in messages are now only in audit.log and they are not as clear as they once were. running sealert (which wasn't installed by default at least on my install) takes a while but maybe I can work on it more and figure out what's going on.

Yeah I had set up write access to the var/ folder for the apache user and that was working, but there was some other violation going on. other than the remaining PEBKAC issues, I got pretty far.

I'll poke around in the SELinux output and see what I can find and post it here, might help someone else. thanks again for a great module!


Joined: 2003-02-06
Posts: 5
Posted: Sun, 2012-03-11 03:32

Hi - trying to migrate a Gallery 1 (1.5.10) installation to Gallery 3 (3.0.2) with g1_import.

I have loaded the module in the .../gallery3/modules directory, and enabled it in the administrator Modules page.

Two funny things are happening:
1. When I configure the albums path to point to the full path of the gallery1, the result is a server-error page. I can change the value using Settings->Advanced, but the result of saving it is always a server-error.
2. If I ignore the previous error, I can go to Maintenance and there is a task "Import from Gallery 1". It says "Gallery 1.5.10 detected". When I run it, it gives a "pop-up" with "Import from Gallery 1", a progress bar that doesn't move, and "Starting up...". If I hit the Pause button, the task status shows Stalled and the "view log" only shows "Task Import from Gallery 1 started (task id 2)". I let it sit around for a long time (15 min?) but it doesn't seem to have done anything.

Any help?


the0ne's picture

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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-12 17:20

hi adamooo!

the starting point should be to find out what happens when you try to select the full path of your g1 install.
depending upon your server configuration you need to check the php and/or apache log - if you don't know how to do that you may ask your server admin to assist you.
if you use some kind of SELinux or some other kind of Auditing System it may help to temporary disable it.
you should not try to "trick" the g1_import by manually setting some value for the import path.



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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-12 20:18

Thanks, I'm hosted at DreamHost (who have a cPanel package for Gallery2, but not G1 or G3) so I'll ask support for logs access. The web errors.log that is in a directory I can reach doesn't have anything interesting. The access.log shows access to the g1_import config page but nothing more.

What should I see when I first configure the g1_import path and submit? I.e., if everything works correctly? Are there more parameters to configure, or is that it?


the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
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Posted: Mon, 2012-03-12 21:22

hi adamooo!

what you should see is something like the following (translated from german):

Gallery Version 1.5.10 found
Your Gallery 1 has the following importable data in it: 3 users, 0 groups, 393 albums, 30314 photos/movies, 28 comments, 0 keywords

please note that the value stored does not show the path to your albums folder but to
the gallery1 file named albums.php, e.g.



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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-14 02:36

Interestingly, I just realized that I have a second G1 gallery on the same host, which does not have the same problem. The second gallery is much smaller (~525 pics in 29 albums, 9 users, a handful of comments). For this gallery, the configuration of g1_import works exactly as you say, and the import completed successfully. So, I don't think it's an "environment" problem with my hosting provider or generally my ability to get G3 and g1_import installed.

So, I conclude that there's something about the other, larger gallery that is stumping the g1_import module. I haven't gotten a response from my provider's email support yet about better log access - is there any other way to tell what progress the importer might be making, or what's causing it to choke? I previously had one album in that gallery with a corrupted set of .dat files, but I've removed it and re-imported the images in a clean gallery. However, it's a much larger install (~5100 images in ~120 albums), though not as large as many that are out there I think.


the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-14 08:12

hi adamooo!

i think you might be pointing out the exact root cause:
if the import on your other gallery worked well then the problem
will pretty sure be some corruption in your gallery1 .dat files.
the size of the gallery should in general not matter much.



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Posted: Wed, 2012-03-14 19:51

My hosting provider's support team responded that there is nothing in the Apache logs for the domain. Due to a shared hosting environment, I don't have direct access to those logs myself. Is there any other way to debug where the module is having trouble? I guess I can archive off a test copy of the gallery and start deleting albums or something to see if I can find the culprit . . . would be cool if the module could even just give an indication of what it was looking at when it bailed out...

Thanks for the responses!

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
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Posted: Wed, 2012-10-24 09:00

hi adamooo!

thanks for pointing out the bug in the error handling with g1 dat files that have inconsistent data.
the issue has been fixed and the updated files are ready for downloading.
have fun with your new g3!



Joined: 2012-10-22
Posts: 6
Posted: Mon, 2012-10-22 22:22

Hi Thomas

I installed your G1 importer and it seemed to work well, but for some reason it did not impost all the photos.

Any idea what can be the problem?


the0ne's picture

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Posted: Wed, 2012-10-24 09:03

hi RonSa!

it could be anything from defective photos to defect gallery1 albums.



Joined: 2012-10-29
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Posted: Mon, 2012-10-29 03:36

Hi, thanks for this great module, I had done the G2 intermediary step but seemed to have lost the proper paths along the way.

I'm just a little unclear on the directions post import:

6.Rename your g1 folder to something else (e.g. from "gallery" to "gallery_old")
7.Rename your g3 folder to what the g1 folder used to be (e.g. "gallery3" to "gallery")
8.Add the mod_rewrite rules from g3's g1_import module page to your .htaccess file in both the gallery and the albums folder to ensure that the g1 urls continue to work
9.Delete your g1 folder ("gallery_old"), it's no longer needed. You may remove your g1 albums folder as well - but recreate an albums folder to put the .htaccess there.

The rewrite rules provided by the module reference the folder I created for G3. If I rename/remove anything else, then the instructions provided with the rules don't appear to apply.

I followed the instructions from the module itself and my old paths do resolve to their deep links within the old gallery. However the URL's aren't very pretty - is there any way to clean those up with rewrite rules and lose both the "map" and the "index.php" from the URLs?

I hope this makes sense, I'll try to provide any further info you may need.


the0ne's picture

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Posted: Mon, 2012-10-29 07:18

hi michaeltw!

the point is that wherever your old gallery was there has to be a .htaccess file which redirects to the new gallery.
the same is true for the old albums folder: there has to be a .htaccess file which redirects to the new gallery.
the g1_import module will output the rules for you, which might have to be adapted.
concerning "map" and "index.php" in your urls - might it be your url rewriting is not set up correctly for g3?



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Posted: Mon, 2012-10-29 19:27

Okay, thanks, it's working so, I wasn't complaining just unclear with the differing instructions.

I tried enabling the block within the default G3 .htaccess to allow for the removal of index.php. When I do, I get a few odd results. First if I try to open a G1 link, I get prompted by my browser to open or save "map?path=". I can also not access the site directly if I type in the link, it gives me a broken version of my home page, which is actually located outside of G3.

Do you have any guidance for setting up an .htaccess file with the G1 mapping in place? I'd be happy to pay for your time if necessary.


the0ne's picture

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Posted: Tue, 2012-10-30 05:58

hi michaeltw!

please send the link to your gallery as PM
so that i can have a look what's wrong.



Joined: 2012-11-19
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Posted: Mon, 2012-11-19 09:04

after run the import, only the thumbnail images are copied. There is only the folder structure in \var\albums but no images inside. I've tried to import again but no luck. Is there any config error? Thanks

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
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Posted: Mon, 2012-11-19 09:36

hi cuckoo_cuckoo!

it could be defective gallery1 albums.



Joined: 2012-11-19
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Posted: Tue, 2012-11-20 02:36

Hi theOne,

I've used the "validates albums" and "find orphans" function in gallery1 to validate the albums and there is no error. Is there any other methods to find out the defective part from the original albums?


the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Tue, 2012-11-20 07:01

hi cuckoo_cuckoo!

the more information you give about your system the more helpful the analysis will be - if you don't want to share url+details publicly i propose to send a PM.
if only the album highlights were copied then possibly the original images are not supported by G3?



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Posted: Tue, 2012-11-20 09:58

I found out the root cause. Because I am using Windows, the PHP can't locate /etc/mimes.types so it return false in 'get_mime_type'. As a result the image item throw exception in validation. After I hard code the function to return 'image/jpeg', seems it works normally.


the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
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Posted: Tue, 2012-11-20 11:42

hi cuckoo_cuckoo!

great you quickly found the root cause - please give an update if you find further incompatibilities with windows.
on the web i found some more information on mime_magic:

To get the MIME magic extension working, you must either configure PHP with the switch -with-mime-magic (Unix), or enable the extension in your php.ini file (Windows). On Windows, you will also need to edit one other entry in your php.ini file - "mime_magic.magicfile" should be set to the directory where PHP was installed, with the subdirectory "extras". So if you installed PHP into c:\php, this would need to be set to "c:/php/extras/magic.mime". On Unix, this extension relies the file "magic" shipped with Apache. If PHP fails to find this for some reason, try setting the php.ini entry also.

as well as the following:

The function mime_content_type only worked for me on Microsoft Windows after I added the directive "mime_magic.debug" to my php.ini with the value of "On". The default value appears to be "Off". Exampe:
mime_magic.debug = On
mime_magic.magicfile = "c:\php\extras\magic.mime"

would be great if you could set up your php as mentioned above and retry the g1_import module without modification.



Joined: 2003-05-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Fri, 2012-11-23 11:20

1.) Is g1_import supposed to import the users/groups from the G1 install? I'm able to do the G1->G3 import, but all the photos are owned by admin and none of my G1 user accounts are in G3. This makes g1_import useless for me.

2.) Does the mod_rewire module remap the individual photos? I have many links out there where I map to the resized photos. i.e. http:/sitename/albums/<albumname>/<photoname>.sized.jpg I need my G3 install to map these links.

Thanks for the work on this! I look forward to upgrading from G1 to G3!

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 2012-11-23 13:53

hi qumqats!

currently g1_import does only list the number of user accounts and groups in g1 but imports neither of those - i never took the time to implement the user and group import and it seems until today you're the first one who has a need for this. how many users does your g1 have?
i have added the support for redirection of thumbnails and resizes to my local g3 instance and first tests show that the functionality works well so far.



Joined: 2003-05-03
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Posted: Fri, 2012-11-23 14:13
how many users does your g1 have?

13 users
Most of the photos are mine, but I've added accounts for some friends.
Is there a recursive way to change ownership or would I have to go into each album? There are 320 albums so that wouldn't be fun.

i have added the support for redirection of thumbnails and resizes

How about the full size?


the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Sat, 2012-11-24 09:52

hi qumqats!

i'd appreciate if you'd try to get such basic information yourself.
e.g. by a simple google search i found that there's a module to change ownerships:

as a friendly reminder please consider: this is not a paid product, all of this is voluntary work, including answering the forums.
to give an answer: "yes", the full size images and folders have always had a mapping - after all that's what the whole module is about: importing while keeping old links - else we could simply have used the (time consuming and complicated) G1->G2->G3 migration instead of taking the effort of writing a module :)



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Posted: Mon, 2012-11-26 05:39

So it would appear that I need to use g1_import to retain the G1->G3 mappings because the G1->G2->G3 migration path won't do so.
I have G1 and G3 as seperate installs with different domain names pointing to them.
I clear out all tables from the G3 mysql database ( I've been testing things and want do start with a clean install )
I clear out /var/
I reinstall G3, enable g1_import, disable search.
I start the g1_import run.
I come back the next afternoon after the import has finished ( 9702 images takes a while to import ).
I re-config apache so that the G1 domain points to G3 install
I add the 1st rewrite rule to G3s /.htaccess
I add the 2nd rewrite rule to G3s /albums/.htaccess ( no other files in here )
Of course the g1->g3 rewrite doesn't work. The G3 gallery part is just fine.
I'm sure I'm doing something dumb and obvious, but I don't know much about rewrite or how the G1->G3 mapping is supposed to work.
What next? meanwhile I'm off reading all I can find about mod_rewrite. . .

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Mon, 2012-11-26 08:57

hi qumqats!

no idea why you use different domains for your migration.
you may use different subfolders (well, with a special config like my own even the same subfolder) but i'm not sure what you try to do using different domains.

you should try to keep using the same domain and having the old gallery and the new gallery only in different subfolders.



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Posted: Tue, 2012-11-27 13:04

I find the following while testing the remapping.

http://sitename/index.php/g1/map?path=g1_albumname displays the correct G3 album
http://sitename/index.php/g1/map?path=g1_albumname/g1_imagename (without the .jpg extention) displays the correct G3 image page
http://sitename/index.php/g1/map?path=g1_albumname/g1_imagename.jpg displays the correct full sized JPEG image

http://sitename/index.php/g1/map?path=g1_albumname/g1_imagename.sized.jpg Error page displayed
http://sitename/index.php/g1/map?path=g1_albumname/g1_imagename.thumb.jpg Error page displayed

I understand that the sized and thumb remapps fail because the fix for them is still in your local instance.
I look forward to seeing them appear in git.

Meanwhile my learning experence in mod_rewrite continues . . It looks like that's the only obstacle to a fully functioning

/albumname needs to map to /index.php/g1/map?path=albumname
/albumname/imagename needs to map to /index.php/g1/map?path=albumname/imagename
/albums/albumname/imagename[.,.sized,.thumb].jpg needs to map to /index.php/g1/map?path=albumname/imagename[.,.sized,.thumb].jpg

Since all G3 URLs start with index.php, I need to match to the absence of this.



the following rewrite rules appear to be working
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index.php
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/albums/

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/g1/map\?path=$1 [L,R=301]

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/albums

RewriteRule ^albums/(.*)$ /index.php/g1/map\?path=$1 [L,R=301]


Joined: 2003-05-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2012-11-28 08:19
the0ne wrote:
hi qumqats!
. . . snip . . .
i have added the support for redirection of thumbnails and resizes to my local g3 instance and first tests show that the functionality works well so far.


What is the status on this?
upload to git?
patch file



Joined: 2012-12-28
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2012-12-28 20:41

Hi the0ne,

I found your module and was very excited to finally convert my old gallery 1.5.10 installation to gallery 3. I think I followed all the instructions correctly and I finally get to the point of entering the path to my old gallery1 albums.php file. When I click save and it begins the import, it reports many error messages like the following:

Invalid object found: AlbumItem Object ( [image] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object ( [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => image [name] => IMG_3155 [type] => jpg [width] => 640 [height] => 480 [resizedName] => IMG_3155.sized [thumb_x] => [thumb_y] => [thumb_width] => [thumb_height] => [raw_width] => 1600 [raw_height] => 1200 [version] => 38 ) [thumbnail] => __PHP_Incomplete_Class Object ( [__PHP_Incomplete_Class_Name] => image [name] => IMG_3155.thumb [type] => jpg [width] => 150 [height] => 113 [resizedName] => [thumb_x] => [thumb_y] => [thumb_width] => [thumb_height] => [raw_width] => 150 [raw_height] => 113 [version] => 38 ) [preview] => [caption] => The dune buggy bus back to the paved roads [hidden] => [highlight] => [highlightImage] => [isAlbumName] => [clicks] => 46 [keywords] => [comments] => [uploadDate] => 1157315815 [itemCaptureDate] => 1157315717 [exifData] => [owner] => 1084684509_1536470312 [extraFields] => Array ( [Description] => ) [rank] => [version] => 38 [emailMe] => [imageAreas] => )

From what I can tell, it reports a similar error message for every photo in my albums. At the end of the errors, it reports:

Gallery version 1.5.10 detected
Your Gallery 1 has the following importable data in it: 1 user, 0 groups, 57 albums, 0 photos/movies, 0 comments, 0 tagged photos/movies/albums

So, it seems to see my albums, but no photos! I am running the latest version 1.5.10, and I have validated the albums with no errors. I looked around and found one other post asking about this problem ( but no solution. So, do you have any ideas?



Joined: 2012-12-28
Posts: 4
Posted: Fri, 2012-12-28 23:13

Well, don't you love it when you reply to your own post? Anyway, it seems that, in my case at least, there is a problem with the code. In the file Gallery1DataParser.php, lines 85-86, there are the following statements:

if (strpos($tmp, 'O:5:"Image"')!==false) {
$tmp = str_replace('O:5:"Image"', 'O:5:"G1Img"', $tmp);

Well, all my data files had "image" (with a lower case i) instead of "Image". This was causing all the photos to be marked as invalid objects. I hand-edited the file, and changed the statements to:

if (strpos($tmp, 'O:5:"image"')!==false) {
$tmp = str_replace('O:5:"image"', 'O:5:"G1Img"', $tmp);

and now it found all my photos and the import is happening as I type this. We'll see if it works, but for now, one more obstacle cleared!

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Sat, 2012-12-29 09:47

hi qumqats, agapotron!

your issues have been fixed and the updated files are ready for downloading.
have fun with your new g3!



Joined: 2003-05-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Sun, 2012-12-30 11:07

changed files grabbed, installed, tested, looks good



Joined: 2013-02-20
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2013-02-20 20:49

Hi Thomas,

I have trouble importing a G1 installation using your module. I keep getting the message "The path you entered does not exist."

OS: SME-Server 8.0 (Based on CentOS)

My G1-albums can be found here:
http://xx.xx.xx.xx/gallery/ (edited for privacy reasons)

My G3-(test)albums can be found here:
http://xx.xx.xx.xx/gallery3/ (edited for privacy reasons)

The local path to the G1-albums directory is:

The local path to the G1-gallery directory is:

In config.php following paths are specified:
$gallery->app->albumDir = "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html/albums";
$gallery->app->tmpDir = "/home/e-smith/files/ibays/Primary/html/gallery/tmp";
$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "http://xx.xx.xx.xx/gallery"; (edited for privacy reasons)
$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "http://xx.xx.xx.xx/albums"; (edited for privacy reasons)

Could you point me in the right direction to successfully import my old albums?

Thanks in advance,

the0ne's picture

Joined: 2011-05-02
Posts: 83
Posted: Wed, 2013-02-20 13:30

hi hugo,

do you have some kind of server-software running (suhosin, apparmor, etc.) that could forbid file access?
what value did you use as the gallery1 path? i think in your setup the correct value would be



Joined: 2013-02-20
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2013-02-20 15:28

Hi Thomas,

I don't have any other server-software running (by my knowledge).
The path I entered was exactly as you mention in your reply. What I could try is to copy a few albums to an other location on the server en chmod 777 this directory. I will let you know if this works out.



Joined: 2013-02-20
Posts: 3
Posted: Wed, 2013-02-20 20:45

Hi Thomas,

I copied the existing albums to a temporary directory and chmod 777 on it. The import is running at the moment and seems to work well.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.



Joined: 2006-10-29
Posts: 9
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-14 07:52

Awesome module, thanks a lot - did a great job.


Joined: 2013-03-19
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2013-03-20 00:00


Where can i find "mod_rewrite rules from g3's g1_import module page",

Thats why my thumbnails wont work?

Here is my website, i am using drupal 7


Joined: 2003-05-03
Posts: 10
Posted: Wed, 2013-03-20 03:13

log in as an admin user to your gallery3 site and check out


you should also be able to navigate to it when as logged in as an admin, and at the root of the gallery, going to:
Admin -> Settings -> Gallery 1 Import


Joined: 2013-03-19
Posts: 4
Posted: Wed, 2013-03-20 19:49

I dont understand.. I already migrated all my photos from G1 to G3,they are working, but.. the thing that is not working are the thumbnails and so.. i get this broken image..


This is what i get when entering

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Thu, 2013-03-21 01:53

Can you add items? If not then it is not related to the G1 import module and starting a new thread will keep this one on topic.
You mention drupal.... could be this bug:
Does exist or is the .htaccess just reporting that?


Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team


Joined: 2013-03-19
Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 2013-03-23 21:52

Yes i can add items, both pictures and albums, but when I add a picture, it still won't show me the thumbnail.

Maybe the url's are NOT working because when i highlight the picture, i see this link
I see NO .album, /var/ and /thumbs/

Im attaching a picture of my gallery with the broken thumbnails

- Says Error 404

floridave's picture

Joined: 2003-12-22
Posts: 27300
Posted: Sun, 2013-03-24 00:49

Your issue in not related to this module.
Start a new thread and see if you can change your image toolkit.

Blog & G2 || floridave - Gallery Team