Modules: RSS Feeds Extra 1.7
Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466 |
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Adds a new item feeds for Gallery. Adds a new item feeds for Gallery.
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Serge D
Joined: 2009-06-11
Posts: 2466 |
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Adds a new item feeds for Gallery. Adds a new item feeds for Gallery.
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Posts: 2466
Posted fix to comply with G3 RC2
Posts: 11
I made a mod to rss_extra, with bharat's help, to make it pick random images from a given set of albums (and their children).
Pastebin link for modified ver of rss_extra_rss.php:
IDs for albums are from mysql (use phpmyadmin, look at items table, query for type=album...). In my example I use IDs 3, 5948, 2378, and 9669.
Posts: 2466
will check
Posts: 2466
version 1.4 is available - new feeds added
Posts: 2466
version 1.5 is available - small fix in admin area
Posts: 60
On a gallery that has the top level album viewable by only registered users, when I hit any of the RSS links from a browser I get the standard (HTML based) userid and password prompt. However I want to hit these RSS links from devices that don't have a browser. Say for example a picture frame. Is there any way to incorporate the login information into the URL? Or better yet, is there a way to say this: for RSS links only allow access without authentication from a given set of IP addresses?
Posts: 2466
you can use .htaccess instead of gallery security
Posts: 60
Problem is - the gallery is already a public gallery and needs to stay that way. So its public but everything password protected. So even if I did a .htaccess I would have the same password problem with RSS feeds. Unless there is some .htaccess rewrite magic that gets around the needs for the gallery password. I guess one way I could do it (now that I think about it) is to do a password but in .htaccess and not in gallery. And then have only internal IP's not need the password. Was hoping to stick with Gallery's authentication but if the .htaccess password is the only way I might be stuck with it. Any other thoughts?
Posts: 2466
ah, OK
well, RSS is not managed by this module but by RSS core module
so question may be worth escalated to G3 team instead so it would be supported by any RSS exposed.
how do you see RSS authentication process to work?
On general note -
So we need https support at least and then be able parse user/password out of URL
Posts: 60
Actually, it would solve my problem a lot cleaner if I could specify an IP address or range of IP's to require authentication from. I don't know the code but I'm guessing that would be easier to implement than SSL and parsing the URL - but I might be wrong.
And yeah - I know this is not an issue with your module
. Just was looking for someone who knew what they were talking about. Thanks for the response!
Posts: 693
Having just installed this mod to get random in Imageblock Ex, I take it that the feed I need to enable is "Random photos and movies" rather than just "Random photos". So "Random photos and movies" is the only one of these extra feeds picked up by Imageblock Ex?
Posts: 2466
yes, you are correct
PS. unfortunatelly, admin section does not work well with dynamic build of RSS feeds available, so I have to hard code it
Posts: 693
My only suggestion would be to make it clear on the Codex which option to enable for Imageblock Ex.
What I'd really like to be able to do is to exclude certain albums from the random selection, but that's asking a bit much. I can always hack the code.
Posts: 2466
how do you see exclusion to work?
or should it be inclusion instead?
PS. I have extended Codex pages for both modules
Posts: 693
Could work either way I guess. My production site has 54 albums and I'd like to exclude 6, so for me exclude would be easier, but for others include would be easier. One idea I had was to include a specific album tag, so that albums without that tag were not displayed. (Of course for some people inclusion would still be easier.) This would work for me because I don't display album tags - the tags that my "About this album" module displays are those of the photos in the album, not those of the album itself. Anyone displaying album tags may not like this. Having a custom album property would be ideal, but we don't have those yet.
Re the codex, what I was suggesting you include was which one of the extra random RSS feeds needs to be activated for "random" in Imageblock Ex, as I gather that "Random photos and movies" is the only one that works?
Posts: 1
Is there any way to set up authentication for this? Such that if I make an album private, I can simply supply the rss reader with a username and password and still be able to access the random rss images? Thanks.
Posts: 2466
this would need to be supported by G3 core or some special module. I just create feed registration
Posts: 7
Feeling dumb here, but relative to the base Gallery installation, what is the feed URL for these?
Posts: 2466
If your normal root gallery feed look like this
then module's url would look like this
Posts: 7
Thank you. I had originally just had Latest Portrait & Latest Landscape turned out. When I activated Random as well, all 3 appeared in the RSS Feed sidebar.
Posts: 6
Hi Serge,
Thank you for your work.
I need a feed to show the latest photos in some specified album.
Something like "xmlUrl=" .
Is it possible to get a feed like that?
Many thanks for your help.
Posts: 2466
Please check 3rd party module list, I think there is one for this already
Posts: 253
Hi Serge,
I am using Dave's popular carousel and would love to have those pics in the rootpage' slideshow.
Would it be possible to add :
it would be great !
Posts: 2466
how do you select popular? top views overall, today, week, etc?
Posts: 253
Well, now that you mention it.... ;-)
Dave's module calculate the overall...
but if we could have the choice between, let's say overall, yearly and monthly it would be great !
Posts: 2466
Version 1.6 has been released
New feeds added:
Posts: 2466
yes, it would be great, but G3 does not track hits therefore there is no information to apply time-line. So total it is
Posts: 253
popular/landscape is working great,
thank you Serge !
Posts: 253
I just changed my theme to Wind for a little check and switched in back to GD, and now the landscape is not working anymore...
popular is working though.
Firebug tells me there is a java error.
Posts: 2466
I see...
what is reported in the G3 error log?
Posts: 253
...... and so on
Posts: 2466
Very strange
Why login is involved here?
Posts: 253
strange indeed
this is a fresh post of opening the page this morning :
and this is when I have this RSS in the GD admin : /gallery3/index.php/rss/feed/rss_extra/popular/landscape
when I put the following RSS : /gallery3/index.php/rss/feed/rss_extra/popular/
it works, and I only get the favicon error (which is normal, I have not put it there yet) :
What other file is it searching for in the landscape mode ?
Posts: 2466
a) what version of G3 you are on?
b) filter uses image size stored in DB, so what could have happened here is that you have resized images and it does not match "Resized Image Size (in pixels)" value. Either height or width should match
Posts: 253
You can see my version in the signature below
So you mean that if I set the Resized image to 800, all my pics should have at least height or width to 800px ? Then I understand, most of my pics are smaller than that.
Version: 3.0.2 (Coollanta)
Albums: 17
Photos: 142
Operating system: Linux 2.6.18-194.32.1.el5
Apache: Apache/2.2.3 (Red Hat)
PHP: 5.2.6
MySQL: 5.0.77
Server load: 0.29 0.27 0.51
Graphics toolkit: gd
Posts: 2466
Ok, so version is not an issue, but size might be
Is full size of the images smaller than 800 in largest dimension? If not then when you upload images they would be resized using 800 as a base for photo view.
So solution would be to mark all images for resize using maintenance option and then run maintenance task...
To avoid that I will consider using compare instead of exact in next release
Posts: 253
Yes full size can be smaller than 800... I have a lot of pics from early 2000 that are not bigger than 550px on the largest size
I have already used the maintenance task but it had only 11 pics to resize, how can I force it to select them all and run the maintenance task ? Do I need a special module to do it ?
Posts: 253
I found the way to select all pics to resize.... in GD admin page ! ;-) I knew I had seen it somewhere.
And now it works !
Thank you Serge.
Posts: 2466
Version 1.7 is up
Posts: 1
hmmm....would love to try it but the download link isn't working!
Posts: 2466
Some issue with codex page. Fixed...
Posts: 205
What is the name of it?
Gallery 3.0.2
PHP - 5.3.8 cgi-fcgi
Apache/2.2.21 (Unix)
mysqli 5.0.92
Clean Canvas theme
Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick
Posts: 205
What is the name of it?
Gallery 3.0.2
PHP - 5.3.8 cgi-fcgi
Apache/2.2.21 (Unix)
mysqli 5.0.92
Clean Canvas theme
Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick
Posts: 2466 ?
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 205
Gallery 3.0.2
PHP - 5.3.8 cgi-fcgi
Apache/2.2.21 (Unix)
mysqli 5.0.92
Clean Canvas theme
Toolkits = Exif, Gd, ImageMagick
Posts: 1
I am using your module and it works fine
I'm sorry to bother here, but my question targets the use of the image rss in Wordpress. I would like to use it as source for random images in a widget an link to the image in Gallery3. I couldnt find a working plugin that allows me to show a thumbnail from the image and link it to the Gallery. Again sorry to bother here with a wordpress plugin question, but perhaps someone could just point me in the right direction.
Posts: 8339
Random image from G3 RSS
List of all the external G3 examples:
Posts: 20
the rss extra module doesn't want to reactivate after an initial install and de activation. i assume its trying to insert rows in database again or something.
this was in parallel with an initial gallery auto advice message, that there is a newer version available, '17'.
that appears to be because the .info file has a typo, it says 17 rather than 1.7
how do i escape the loop? can't now re-activate because it refuses, and its saying it has v2 rss extra in the modules list, i never heard of v2, no idea where it got that idea!
thanks on latest gallery 3 and php 5.3.10
FIXED: seems to be soltuion is just to remove the rss extra entry from modules table and re-install. But, the 1.7 in the .info file I changed to v1, it seems to kill the gallery3 'new version available' msg after install. THat is, .info should have integer version not 1.7 ?
Posts: 2466
version should be 17
G3 uses integer notation for version
I do display adjustment in module admin page to show it.
Photo Gallery | GreyDragon Theme | Follow on Twitter
Posts: 20
Hi Serge D, ok. gallery3 must have had a hiccup.
the other thing i found is, rss_extra seems to use the view template inside gallery 3,
rather than the view template in rss_extra. Is that intentional?