Blocking albums from being viewed through gallery-module


Joined: 2007-05-04
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-13 15:56

I love the gallery embedded module, and it has come in very handy. I do however, have one problem, and I have come here to see if anybody has a good solution to it.

Take the following scenario
Album 1: Pictures and Images used around my site on static pages using g2image.
Album 2-5: Pictures that I would like to show in gallery form, using the embedded module.

Currently, I have a static page with g2image links to all the pictures I would like shows as galleries, because when I view a gallery through the module, the breadcrumb menu will lead back to the main gallery page, where a visitor can select "Album 1" and view the images used around the website. Now, I have no problem that visitors can see "Album 1" in this fashion, however, it looks rather unprofessional. I installed the gallery2-module-2.x and was glad to see the inclusion of gallery2-menu which allows me to block certain albums from appearing in the menu. However, if a non-blocked albums is selected, the visitor can still navigate to the blocked album using the breadcrumb menu.

Does anybody have a good solution for me? I cannot restrict access to the "Album 1" pictures, since then visitors cannot view them on the static pages, and I do not want to use the Image module just for these pictures, since I really like g2image and am looking forward to the new features of a stable 2.x.

Thanks in advance,



Joined: 2005-11-08
Posts: 135
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-13 17:53

I dont think this is possible atm. You can use the 'Hidden Items' plugin to hide certain albums. But as G2image uses the same API to access G2 as Drupal the albums will be hidden there as well. What means you can still access the images in your pages, but you will loose the ability to browse.


Joined: 2007-05-04
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-13 18:00

I've been playing around since I posted the message, and did think about the hidden photos. It is an option I am considering. Another one would be to add something to my theme to get rid of the breadcrumb trail for the galleries I want viewed. This way the sole navigation will be through a page I create linking all the galleries and a menu.
Thanks for the reply, i will post my results when i get around to altering the theme.


Joined: 2007-05-04
Posts: 4
Posted: Mon, 2007-08-13 20:07

I ended up removing the breadcrumb from the galleries all together. This solution works for our site, and we can now use embedded gallery.

