Joined: 2005-07-19
Posts: 19 |
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i wrote an extension for mediawiki, to use gallery2 as backend. |
Joined: 2005-07-19
Posts: 19 |
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i wrote an extension for mediawiki, to use gallery2 as backend. |
Posts: 32509
warteschlange, cool idea with the different resize version links over the thumbnail!
Do you use our GalleryEmbed class?
There's no reason to ignore permissions. Just give the everybody group the permissions to view all items.
And I know how you must feel. I began last summer with the G2/xaraya integration, didn't know any of them before. My head nearly exploded, learning 2 frameworks at once isn't easy. And you're doing 3 at once
Posts: 19
Yes i took the GalleryEmbed class, otherwise it wouldn't work. Well one issue didn't work : the login.
I guess that's why i had to leave all the permission stuff.
Now i will cleanup the interface for g2 + mediawiki with authentication.
Regards from Winterthur
Posts: 32509
i guess what you do is:
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init(array(...));
if ($ret->isError()) {
print $ret->getAsHtml();
... = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(...);
in the ::init call, you have to set 'fullInit' => true, 'activeUserId' => '' in the array, along with the other parameters. then it will work. activeUser => '' tells gallery to use the guest user.
ps: just changed a typo in your topic title ;)
pps: currently, i'm getting an error on your page.
Posts: 19
'fullInit' => true,
does the magic.
ps error on page: $moving_instead_of_copying = true;
damn@#$&*@#&% :oops:
Posts: 32509
warteschlange, i noticed something weird. When I click on
then in the upper series of thumb on any other, e.g. 303 and then on article. it shows a vertical image bar on the left border but it disappears after a second (redirect or so).
all these ideas are very cool!
Posts: 19
please give me a few more hints, i don't underschtänd what you mean.
It is important for me to fix all the stuff, because i want to enable all other stuff
(like my javascript painter: etc...)
Posts: 32509
ok, you can see what i mean here:
the vertical bar at the left with all the photos is showing up for a moment whenever you hit refresh (in firefox).
it's the toolbar that shows up when you click on this small icon:
Posts: 19
This is not abug , it's a feature !
1) so people can see, that there is somethig else but hidden
2) the truth is: if i keep it hidden from the beginning - in firefox the iframe remains invisible, even when i make display:block. After the second time it calcs the 100% width correctly.
I'm sure i will find a solution for that.
Now a few questions:
For the other way round, i want to show in gallery2 attached to picture the content of it's mediawiki text.
No problem hacking it in the code, but is there an official way to replace the comment part?
are there any photo-printing companies in switzerland with some kind of interface for gallery2. I can do it myself, if possible. (i looked at photocolorkreuzlingen, they have a complex way to upload)
any ideas for a 16x16 icon for gallery2
Posts: 32509
do you want to replace the g2 comments (as in g2 comments module) output? or do you want to add your own output instead of the comments / additional to the comments?
in g2, you'd create a module and e.g. create a template/blocks/*.tpl then (in the new/current version of g2), you can add this new block to all album pages and or photo pages.
in the past, Gallery asked photo print studios to work with us. this chase for print studios was rather time consuming etc. now, we wait for print studios to ask us (i.e. the other way around). they should get in touch with us and we then discuss how it works, what interface we can work with etc.
you mean an icon representing G2 and not 16x16 sized thumbs, right? hmm, we don't have such an icon i guess. you're free to either use what we have or create your own 16x16 version...
Posts: 19
hey, thanks for the fast replies, so i can go on quickly to the next question:
i used in coppermine my eCard version, because the only send links instead of true images (this is blocked in most mailer)
i didn't found it in gallery2, but in the forum it is mentioned.
Posts: 32509
G2 doesn't yet have a "send this picture to a friend" or something like that. but g2 has an email API and you could use it in your module. e.g. the register (user registration) module makes use of this email functions. or the paypal / checkout module ( also sends emails, i guess.
with our email function (GalleryCoreApi::sendTemplatedEmail($file, $data, $from, $to, $subject, $headers='')), you first create a template of the email (such that you can automate translation etc.).
Posts: 19
but like coppermine you don't have embedded images:
Posts: 32509
ah, sorry. so you want to embed images in emails to create multipart emails. this is not yet possible with G2. if you want to submit a patch or create a feature request, please do.
(RFE ->
Posts: 19
ok, i made some cleanup and designed the buttons. Uff, Opera and Safari still need handwork to do...
Now it looks much better, even the fckeditor (htmlarea) is in sight to work.
Here my question:
1) Does the id of an image never change? You understand, that this is crucial to know.
2) is there a backwards function. Having the path to the image, to get the id?
Posts: 32509
1) i guess you wanna save the expensive G2 calls. ItemIds don't change, unless...they change
I'm not sure at the moment if we create a new entity if the type is changed, but for the usual life cycle of an entity, it's id doesn't change.
2) filesystem path? url? you mean when short urls are active?
$path = GalleryUtitilies::getRequestVariables('path');
list ($ret, $itemId) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchItemIdByPath($path);
if $path is empty, you should fetch the root album id.
Posts: 19
great, i really appreciate the fast and helpful answers.
Four thumbs up :D
now its time to start all my debian backups and go to bed. Serious. Sometimes just 5 hours of sleep are just not enough.
Posts: 19
what wrong now?
i installed RC1 and the login procedure mentioned here does not work any more.
It worked on the old versionsbut now i'm getting some kind of redirect .
To see it wrong: farbraum to see the same code with beta working transarte
edit an article and click on the gallery2 button to see the difference.
hope you know a solution
Posts: 19
i tracked it down:
beeing logged in - it works fine.
But as guest user i get all the mainpage as html when calling an init() instead of a silent init.
HELP !!!!!
Posts: 32509
warteschlange, you are awesome. the mini G2 browser in the sidebar is great!!! (transarte) i hope we can use it in other applications too.
what errors do you mean?
in the debug output, i see:
this is all in your own code.
Posts: 19
these are just notice, not warnings and no errors.
The problem is, that nomally g2init() just logs in anonymous - no output at all (you kindly contributed the code snippet in top of this thread) . I mean this should happend silent.
Then my module renders the output.
in RC1 the g2init() generate a complete webpage before it gives my app the control back.
I have a lot of cropping / grouping / animations code in pipe and really don't want to redesign from scratch.
Here the two identical simplified versions:
wrong RC1
working Beta
I notice some differences in the session / cookies.
Posts: 32509
warteschlange, i couldn't test embedded g2 for some time. i'll do it today. sorry about that.
Posts: 32509
i've fixed today two other small bugs in embedding.
- headers are no longer sent (bug since beta 4).
- logout works in all cases
your issue, wrong urls for guests, but corrent urls for logged in users, doesn't make much sense.
one of these must be wrong:
'embedUri' => 'index.php',
'embedPath' => 'mediawiki',
'relativeG2Path' => '../../gallery2/',
maybe try 'embedPath' => '/mediawiki',
Posts: 19
i got it:
this new module has to be included too:
Posts: 32509
whta do you mean?
when including embed.php, the first thing it does is including this file, then it included main.php -> includes -> includes config.php, with ::init(), you call GalleryInitFirstPass() ( and this finally includes / initiates pretty much everything else.
where did you have to include this file?
Posts: 19
If you compare RC1 embed.php and the Beta one you see the difference.
Stupid as i was, i copied the content of embed.php into my initclass.
The reason for that was to avoid to include files including includes etc... (as embed does nothing else)
Somewhere i read, that embed.php shows how to do it and not to use that file.
I guess it was my big mistake.
I will go to church and donate some spare Bytes. :oops:
Posts: 32509
i've never read something like that "recommendation to not use embed.php". however, good that it's working again for you. your work is really awesome!
i'd like to add your integration to the list of integrations in the embedding and integration sticky topic. what urls should i add for download / demo?
Posts: 19
this is the main entry point for demo and download:
there i provide a download / description and demo.
you wrote:
this can be interpreted in different ways.
it was my quirky interpretation leading into problems.
Thanks again
Posts: 32509
ok, thanks a lot
and yes, better embedding docs are on the todo list...
Posts: 19
here a new question:
Usually i choose between all defined sizes from gallery2 but sometimes it is helpful to add a new picture size in mediawiki.
I can do it manually in the siteadmin or is there a 'remote' way to create a new image size and let all images re-render within an album.
Posts: 32509
adding a new resize size is a per album operation in g2.
there's not yet a API call / GUI to add a new resize size to all albums or recursively.
what exactly do you want to do?
Posts: 19
i want to be able to add in mediawiki a tag like
this will include all images of one album in the page.
mode tell the way how to render the pictures like slideshow / vertical bar / horizontal bar
width is the size for all pictures of that album.
Now i don't want to repeat the stupidity of galleryRemote only to allow thumb and width of 800.
I want to allow every reasonable size (of course with limitations)
and to leave the new sizes in gallery2 settings of that album as a available size
I made a lot of caching /resizing myself,
but hey, mediawiki and gallery2 is a perfect couple (see so please let gallery2 do the image stuff and not some middleware.
I also made httprequest-slideshows with very nice fading/moving effects - almost flash - using galleryRemote but i had to hack in the galleryRemote code to receive all sizes and again: how can i force a desired size for one album.
I can live with a post submit from php or javascript, but how?
Posts: 32509
"force a desired size for an album"
i guess you're referring to the resize size of the children, right? resize size is a per item setting. you have to get a list of items and for each item request / generate the appropriate resize size.
G2 Embedding & Integration: Download and Development Instructions, []G2 FAQ[/url]
Posts: 34
I've downloaded and installed the Gallery2wiki extension and added the require_once to the LocalSettings.php file. When I edit a new or existing wiki page, I do not get the "photo" icon on the toolbar. Could the problem be related to using Gallery2 as a multisite installation? The gallery2 directory is the core but I use /gallery/ as the site directory. Do I need to make any changes to accomodate this?
Posts: 1
I'm actually having the same problem as adegutis. I have completed all the installation steps including adding the require_once to the localsettings.php file. I do not get the "photo" button on the WYSIWYG toolbar. I did a typical installation of Gallery2 though, not a multisite installation. I have a gallery2 directory in my root mediawiki directory and a storage directory for Gallery2 in my servers root directory out of the path of my web root. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm excited about implementing this feature into my wiki.
Posts: 13
I am trying G2 with an iframe into MediaWiki which looks pretty good, actually. I tried this integration, but don't really seem to get what I want out of it. I would like to essentially have the entire gallery embedded/wrapped into the wiki without having to specify each album I want to add. The main thing I would like to get is mapping of users between MediaWiki and G2. I don't think that would be too hard, but not sure how to do it. Utimatly, if I could get true integration without using an iframe, that would be even more ideal.
Posts: 1
I'm trying to get this implemented but it is not working.
I am using Mediawiki 1.5.7 and Gallery 2.0.
There are no errors and I see some code from the extsion in the page , but not the tool bar icon.
Here's the sample code, which is running on a domain caleld
<!-- js connector to gallery2 from gallery2wiki.php --><script>if(typeof(g2pathes) == 'undefined') var g2pathes = new Array();
g2pathes['images'] = '/home/.dexter/tomhayesjr/';
g2pathes['wikatar'] = '/home/.dexter/tomhayesjr/';
g2pathes['dirapp'] = '/home/.dexter/tomhayesjr/';
</script><script src='/home/.dexter/tomhayesjr/'></script>
There are no other mentions of G2 in the code.
If I go to /extensions/gallery2wiki_extension/js/gallery2wiki_insert.js I see the interface and all the other paths exists except for: /home/.dexter/tomhayesjr/
It just looks like there is no code to insert the button into the toolbar.
My Wiki is password protected on all pages EXCEPT talk pages.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
Posts: 19
unfortunately i didn't get email-notification, so i couldn't answer earlier. Sorry
Meanwhile i adopted it to the version 2.1. and mediawiki 1.6
It is not compatible to the old version, as gallery2 had a few mayor changes.
Please try it with the new version,
It should now also be multisite capable. Actually i use a multisite version of gallery2.1 and one of mediawiki1.6
Andres from Switzerland
Posts: 13
Is this still being worked on at all? Unfortunately I get a whole page of errors when I try to use this. Even going to the page to download it seems to give me php errors from this server. I'd love to give it a try..
It'd be cool if there were a way to link it into the mediawiki standard syntax such as Image:id#|240px|thumb etc... Looking at wikipedia's code it could be done by overriding the loadfromfile function in the Image class to access G2's database instead, I just need to learn more about G2's code before I try something like that myself. Like someone said before, merging accounts between mediawiki and g2 would also be great.
Posts: 32509
Rest assured, it works. We're using it at integrated with the G2 on (both on the same physical server).
But yes, warteschlange's website has been dysfunctional for some time.
Documentation: Support / Troubleshooting | Installation, Upgrade, Configuration and Usage
Posts: 13
Hmm all right. The php errors seem to be limited to a spot where it uses pass by reference which is turned off in my php version. And Safari doesn't like the formatting in general I don't think.
I think I'm just going to give a go at making my own integration then like I mentioned before, overriding mediawiki's built-in image integration syntax to load from g2 gallery images instead of the /wiki/images/ folder. And hopefully I'll figure out user integration along the way too.
Posts: 1
I have been unable to find a mirror for warteschlange's integration and the link is still broken. Can anyone point me to another download source?
Posts: 1
I have it working on my site.
I was trying to get on the transarte art site for a few months there and yesterday went back to see if warteschlange had got the website back up and running. yeah
All the links are now working to the gallery2wiki extension
Im using
MediaWiki: 1.9.3
Gallery 2.2.2
PHP: 5.2.2 (cgi)
MySQL: 5.0.24a-log
I was wondering is it possible to have the extension link to a gallery if it is hosted on a different server.
I current am hosting a wiki on my site for someone but they have an extensive gallery already setup on their site.
Is the only option to move the wiki over?
Posts: 32
the site is up at
however, upon enabeling it, I recive this error:
Internal error
Detected bug in an extension! Hook replaceR failed to return a value; should return true to continue hook processing or false to abort.
#0 /home/cristobal/www/includes/Parser.php(303): wfRunHooks('ParserBeforeStr...', Array)
#1 /home/cristobal/www/includes/Article.php(3017): Parser->parse(''''etellerannet...', Object(Title), Object(ParserOptions), true, true, 4)
#2 /home/cristobal/www/includes/Article.php(831): Article->outputWikiText(''''etellerannet...')
#3 /home/cristobal/www/includes/Wiki.php(383): Article->view()
#4 /home/cristobal/www/includes/Wiki.php(48): MediaWiki->performAction(Object(OutputPage), Object(Article), Object(Title), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
#5 /home/cristobal/www/index.php(89): MediaWiki->initialize(Object(Title), Object(OutputPage), Object(User), Object(WebRequest))
#6 {main}
Posts: 1
Great extension, it is really what I'm looking for. However, as mentioned in your buglist there is a problem with templates: The photo's do not display if they are part of a template included in a wikipage. Is there a workaround for this problem, or hopes of a solution?
Posts: 2
I am having difficulty getting this to work with gallery2 2.2.3 and Mediawiki 1.5.8
I am using Joomla to integrate everything. So I am using Mamobwiki which uses Mediawiki 1.5.8. If needed I can easily switch gallery versions, but I'm not sure if I could switch Mediawiki versions.
I have both Mediawiki and Gallery2 running independently. I even see the icon in Mediawiki. The sidebar opens with the picture at the top but there is just a blank page underneith.
I believe that I have the directories correct in the gallery2wiki.settings.php file. I have also tried using the Mods for Gallery 2.1 RC1a, putting the embedUri directory in the settings file and made the changes in the calls.php file.
Is there anything else that I could be missing?
If needed I could supply my copies of those files.
Thank you,
Posts: 50
I am using Gallery 2 and Mediawiki 1.12 and am using the Gallery2Wiki extension. I am happy with things so far, but I have a minor problem that I think if we could resolve would just be awesome. I am using the Gallery2 to store an Photo Archive of old Family photos, and using Mediawiki to create stories about those family members with the appropriate images linked.
Some of family members just don't use the web; like our 80 year old Aunts and Uncles, but they like a print out of the MediaWiki to read. We are converting the MediaWiki into Books based upon Family Origins and printing them dynamically problem is because we are using JavaScript within this extension the PDF Converter will to read the script and load the image leaving all images off the page.
Anybody converted the Gallery2Wiki to no use the JavaScripts or make it an option to turn on our off? I would really appreciate any assistance.
Posts: 1
i am media wiki ver 1.13.3
but i dont install gallery2
helpme please!!!