changing picture path to a smb cifs file share


Joined: 2002-10-11
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2013-12-31 15:31

Hi all,

How is this done? What do i need to change and where?

I looked through the admin panels and can't find references to default picture path...

on the server I have /mnt/photo mounted which points to my SMB server where I want the files located as it's a raid system. Also, all my current pictures and videos are there also and would like to move them/import them all into gallery.

thanks for your help in advance.


Joined: 2002-10-11
Posts: 9
Posted: Tue, 2013-12-31 16:37

Nevermind... I found out how to do this. See bellow as a reference:

edit /etc/fstab
add :
// /mnt/photo cifs uid=33,guest,iocharset=utf8 0 0
(note: uid=33 is www-data which is required or else Gallery complains "Gallery" album not writable.)

Then 'cd /var/www/gallery/var' and delete the albums folder, the recreate it as a symbolic link:
ln -s /mnt/photo albums
chown www-data:www-data albums

You should be good to go then.

As for my SMB, just as a side note, I am using UNRAID, and the share is simply 'photo' and setup as public share. Works like a charm !


Joined: 2002-10-11
Posts: 9
Posted: Wed, 2014-01-01 16:55

I've been having issues that when the server is rebooted, the mount doesn't come back and gallery complains that the Gallery is not writable. I found a way to make this persistant after reboots, and that is of adding "mount -a" in /etc/rc.local right before the exit 0.

Now, everytime the server is rebooted, the mount comes back. I also changed from SMB to NFS instead.