Siriux Theme Remove Gallery 2 Logo


Joined: 2012-04-25
Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 2012-04-25 15:30

I would like to remove Gallery 2 Logo


* $Revision: 16727 $
* Read this before changing templates!
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html lang="{g->language}" xmlns="">
{* Let Gallery print out anything it wants to put into the <head> element *}

{* If Gallery doesn't provide a header, we use the album/photo title (or filename) *}
{if empty($head.title)}

{* Include this theme's style sheet *}
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{g->theme url="theme.css"}"/>

<style type="text/css">
.content {ldelim} width: {$theme.params.contentWidth}px; {rdelim}
{if !empty($theme.params.thumbnailSize)}
{assign var="thumbCellSize" value=$theme.params.thumbnailSize+30}
.gallery-thumb {ldelim} width: {$thumbCellSize}px; height: {$thumbCellSize}px; {rdelim}
.gallery-album {ldelim} height: {$thumbCellSize+30}px; {rdelim}
<body class="gallery">
<div {g->mainDivAttributes}>
* Some module views (eg slideshow) want the full screen. So for those, we don't draw
* a header, footer, navbar, etc. Those views are responsible for drawing everything.
{if $theme.useFullScreen}
{include file="gallery:`$theme.moduleTemplate`" l10Domain=$theme.moduleL10Domain}
{elseif $theme.pageType == 'progressbar'}
<div class="header"></div>
<div class="content">
{g->theme include="progressbar.tpl"}
<div class="header"></div>
<div class="content">
<div class="breadcrumb">
{g->block type="core.BreadCrumb" skipRoot=true separator="/"}

{* Include the appropriate content type for the page we want to draw. *}
{if $theme.pageType == 'album'}
{g->theme include="album.tpl"}
{elseif $theme.pageType == 'photo'}
{g->theme include="photo.tpl"}
{elseif $theme.pageType == 'admin'}
{g->theme include="admin.tpl"}
{elseif $theme.pageType == 'module'}
{g->theme include="module.tpl"}

<div class="footer">
{/if} {* end of full screen check *}

* Give Gallery a chance to output any cleanup code, like javascript that needs to be run
* at the end of the <body> tag. If you take this out, some code won't work properly.

{* Put any debugging output here, if debugging is enabled *}

<div class="footer"> is removed
but removed gallery2 logo