Bharat Mediratta
Bharat with his son, Cole.
Chris Kelly aka ckdake
Chris Kelly aka ckdake | more
Alan Harder (aka mindless)
Jens A. Tkotz (Tim_J)
Christian Mohn, aka h0bbel.
This is what a few beers will do to any Norwegian...
Tim Almdal
Michael Schultheiss
Debian Package maintainer, and night time windows creator strangler.
Pierre-Luc Paour
Robert Balousek (volksport)
website robert
Jesse Mullan
Michael Kleinert
No, that's not *my* hairy arm growing out of the side of my head :)
Robert Balousek (volksport)
website robert
Jesse Mullan
Only cure for indecision
Chad Kieffer, aka thumb
Beckett Madden-Woods
Beckett Madden-Woods when not working on Gallery, he climbs trees.
Don Willingham
Joan McGalliard
Don Seiler
Don and daughter Catherine taking a ride on a rooster.
Another norwegian with a beer habit.
Jen, Bharat, Guillemette and Pierre meet for dinner
Christian Mohn, aka h0bbel.
This is what a whole lot of beers will do to any Norwegian... | more
J.Drazan (JadeDragon)
J.Drazan (Jade A Dragon)
Jon Huang
Andy Staudacher, aka valiant